Sunday, August 30, 2009

A New Start

Tomorrow is the first day of school! I have my class all set up, and I'm read for the kids to come! I think it'll be a good day. A couple of my biggest prayers is that I can stay consistent in a couple areas: my walk with God, my portrayal of a Christian, and my discipline. God will help me, and I know I'll mess up, but His grace is greater than my slips. I want to make an impact on my students and show them God's love through what I do. I don't want them to see a fake Christian or one who doesn't love them and only cares about grades.

Church was good today! I was a bit zoned because (before I knew it) it was 1am yesterday and I was making cakes with 2 other teachers for a birthday party we had today. I had a good time reading for my devotions today.

I realized, and this is very obvious but not always to me, that if I just look for it more I will see God's answers to prayers in tons of ways. AND that will lead me to pray more. It's amazing how much I can overlook...but, like I said before, God gives grace and He's still working even when I'm clueless.

Well, time for bed. Bright and early tomorrow! :D Peace.

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