Saturday, August 15, 2009

Soon to Depart

So, in 4 days, 45 minutes and 2 seconds (as of writing this right now) I will be on a non-stop flight to Seoul, South Korea. What adventures await me? Only time will tell. This is how the conversation goes with the people I tell:

Person: So, what will you be doing now that you've graduated?
Me: Oh, I'm going to teaching in South Korea for two years.
Person: Where?! (flabbergasted)
Me: South Korea
Person: Wow, that's a long way away. Are you nervous?
Me: Nope.

And then the conversation generally goes on from there. So, if I'm not nervous, what am I? Well, aside from a human, I'm excited, in wonder, dreamy, and freaked out of my mind. Well, sort of. I've pack my favorite two books (the Bible and Guess How Much I Love You), my neck pillow, my money belt, and various other little odds and ends that I'll need for my 5th grade class. The rest of my clothes have been puked out of my suitcase and repacked for various other summer jaunts, spilled out again, and will soon be washed and repacked. I've talked to God a lot about this trip, and I'm very peaceful. I'm ready to see what the near future holds for me.

I titled my blog "The Road" because that's what the rest of my life will be (and has been). A road that leads to Heaven and God's "well done good and faithful servant." Everything I do will be along this road. My greatest prayer is that I am faithful to God in everything (including and especially the small things) and that I stay on His narrow road. That I live within His will every single day, and that I aim to please only Him. The Road is hard, exciting, confusing, fun, beautiful, stormy, amazingly wonderful, and much much more. But the road is one that I walk with God. Always. His path is perfect, His timing is perfect, and there is not a single milisecond that I don't walk right next to Him. His protection is sure, His love is unconditional and unending, and His forgiveness is complete. THere will be times when the world will entice me to just step even a toe off His path, but by His grace I won't. I'll stay strong like I've been preparing to do. The devil will follow me to South Korea, but so will the armor of God.

I'm sure I'll have many interesting and funny things to write about (although those who know me know that a lot of stories I tell are the maybe-you-just-had-to-be-there kind, so we'll see.) Until then.


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