Wednesday, August 26, 2009

When It Rains In Asia

It rained today! Haha I was able to wear flip flops and I found a cheap umbrella next to the bus stop, so I was good to go. I was thinking...I wonder if one of those raindrops fell over my hometown and was evaporated and carried over to Korea. Wouldn't that be swell? Hmm...something I'll have to ask God when I get to Heaven.

I went to Wednesday night church tonight! It was wonderful!! The pastor spoke on where a Christian can find true happiness. And he compared it to the world and how they look for happiness in things that only satisfy for a time. And it's so true...I remember those days when I tried this and that new thing and went here and there and it was good for a while but then it got old and I'd look for something else. I was never satisfied or content. I went for a walk today and saw the people walking around. I can't talk to them...I only know a few words...and I know so many of them (probably the grand majority) does not have salvation and forgivenss and true happiness in God. And that drives me to learn the language so I can explain that to them. Sooo...I'm going to be taking Korean classes starting in about a month. I'm so excited! Please pray that God will help me to learn it quickly so I can build relationships with my students, their parents, and other Koreans who might not know English.

I'm now able to take myself to several places around our area of the city. I'm branching out more and more every day! :) My classroom is taking shape and I got my class list today. 14 students! :D 5 girls, 9 boys. I have my long range plan done, and I'm working on my schedule and first week lesson plans. Only a few more days and I get to meet my students!!!

I think it's very awesome how God gives us little things to show us that He cares about us. For instance, Robyn, one of the teachers, really wanted a piano because she loves to play. But, of course, they're expensive and so she just dismissed the thought. Well, just 2 days ago, one of the men asked if she knew of anyone who would like a piano for their apartment because there was one sitting in one of the classrooms not being used. She said she would, and they moved it in yesterday. In fact, I can hear her playing right now! She was thrilled, naturally, and it just brings to light the fact that God is planning for our needs AND wants even before we think about the little pleasures. He loves us and loves to shower us with blessings. He's given me a more than enormous apartment with hot running water, a brand new washer/dryer, food, a purified water, airconditioning, and awesome teachers to work with. That's just naming a few!! I couldn't ask for a more amazing God, and I couldn't love anyone more. I don't deserve any of it...I deserve hell, in fact...but God's mercy and grace are greater than all my sins. So, thank you God for keeping me safe and well. My prayer is that I can show Him love in return by keeping His commandments and getting to know Him and grow in Him.

I suppose I should lesson that's a thought! Thank you for all your prayers!! Until next time!


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