Thursday, August 20, 2009

Home Sweet Home

Well, I made it home. When we finally broke through the clouds and I could see the city, I fell in love with it already. It's beautiful! I met some interesting people on the flight over (which was long but not too bad.) I sat next to a young guy, about my age, who was from Mongolia. I talked to an American who was living in Hong Kong with her 4 kids and another family going to HK. I talked to many other people who were very friendly and made my flight over not so boring! haha.

When I got to the airport, I checked out normal for my temperature (what a great greeting!) and cleared customs with barely any questions. Then I waited...and waited...and waited. I got in at 6pm and wasn't picked up until 11ish. I was able to get some sleep, but I got some interesting stares from various asian passersby. I tried paging my ride, using a taxi driver's cell phone, using a pay phone, and I finally got the message across through the internet. There had been a simple mix up of flight times. So, all that part was over and we drove through the city (sooo wonderful!) and to a cute little side street.

My apartment is awesome! When you walk into the rooms, the floor is raised a bit, so I'm sure that'll be the death of me. If not, it'll be the mountain climber stairs. But it's very quaint and cute. I haven't even bothered to unload and get settled because it's already almost 1am. The teachers are sooo friendly and we had a great time talking (although I was in that strange brain stage.) So, it's off to bed for me. We'll see what Seoul holds for tomorrow.


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