Tuesday, September 1, 2009

2 down....tons to go

Chicago, the kitty I'm looking after.
On the street near mine

Mia!!! So precious!

A shop on my corner

One of the 6 kitties that live on the roof across from the school. I've "made friends with them" but in reality they won't get close to me."

My street! My apartment is on the right just past that brown thing.

My classroom

More of my classroom

So…an update. That’s what everyone wants, so I guess I have to churn it out, huh? Well, I’ll start off by saying school has been AWESOME! I’ve really seen God at work in my own life just keeping me from getting stressed and helping me slow down to really get to know my students. My students…they’re A-MAZING! I have some…hyper…ones, but once we establish our routines, they will be ok. I technically have 13 students, but 5 of them only have me for Bible, so I realistically have 8. I love having a smaller class because I can really focus on each student a bit more and help them understand and get them involved. God is working things out perfectly and giving me new ideas all the time. My greatest prayer is to see all my students saved. I don’t know who is and who is not, but my journal question tomorrow will be “I know I’m going to Heaven because…” So, please pray that they understand and will respond correctly so I can really know if they have accepted Christ into their hearts and have their sins forgiven. I know God can use me in any way He wants, and I pray that I can make an impact on these students for His glory.

I’m learning every day about Korea…for example, trash is not a simple task (not for someone who doesn’t know the system anyways.) Food trash (only food) goes in the small yellow bags. Recycling (bottles, cans, paper, etc.) goes in the white bags. Trash (all other) also goes in the white bags. They don’t take it if it’s not in the proper bags. I went to Costco the other day and saw not so yummy (but very dead) looking whole fish. I tried to find one with a peaceful expression. Alas, it was not to be. All of their faces were contorted in a horrific display…very interesting. I stuck with the VERY dead beef. It’s amazing how the little side roads can be quiet and slow moving and then turn the corner and BAM! Trucks, busses, cars, bikes, motos and people everywhere…moving so fast! It’s amazing. The people are so friendly here too. As you pass they stare like they’ve never seen (very) white skin before. Then, you greet them in Korean and their faces light up. It’s great! My little apartment is amazing! Although I often go to sleep without washing the dishes (yes, folks, I AM the dishwasher) it stays…relatively clean. J I blame it on the kitty. There’s a lot of dust here. It sort of bothers my eyes, but I’m learning to deal with it. Guess I have to, huh? I learned that *gasp* boys don’t hold doors for girls! I was told that by one of my students who then added that the boy often shuts the door in the girls face. I said “Not in my class they don’t!” And they all laughed. I think they thought I was joking… I don't think the children ever sleep here. I'll be walking down the street at 11:30pm (no joke) and there will be children walking with parents, other children, alone...I guess it's safe and no one gets tired. Some older people go around and collect cardboard so they can recycle it for money. I come across this one lady...she really did look like she was in her 70s or 80s...carry this cart FULL (I'll have to take pictures some time) of cardboard. She saw me and promptly repeated, "Hello! I love you" several times. That was nice. I doubt she knew what it meant, but I said it back. The bigger the car, the faster you should get out of the way. I recognize where to turn by things such as "the 7-11, turn at the shop with the cartoon pigs on the window, look for the tires stacked out front and take a left, pass the pet shop, look for the stationary store and take your first left, turn right at the restaurant with the movie poster faces as the sign, if you pass the hole in the wall toast shop you know you're going the right way" and so on. It's fun to learn my way around! :) I saw the PERFECT bike. Pink with a basket in the front...I drooled. Alas it was out of my price range. For now... Don't put kitty litter in the black bag because they will dump it all over the sidewalk and then clean it up later. If you leave your door unlocked, the landlord will walk right in. And lastly, asian babies are very cute (but we already knew that.)

On Friday night and ALL day Saturday we have training for camp. We’re going to camp with the Junior high and High School students from Monday to Friday. Please pray that they are saturated with God’s word and that the devil doesn’t have a chance to sneak into that camp (as he’s so good at slithering…) I would love nothing better than to see every student make a true profession of faith or accept Christ. I know that camp can be a great place to have that happen.
I can’t tell if I’m getting a cold or if it’s all the dust, lack of sleep, and excitement. In any case, yes Dad, I’ve been taking vitamins and the like, so hopefully it clears up. I was actually able to get all of my lesson planning done and leave school by 6 pm last night and be in bed at 7:30 at which point I fell into a deep sleep that lasted until 6:30am.

On Sunday afternoon we had a joint birthday party for another teacher and me. It was great time…everyone came! We had an interesting time making cakes the night before. The BUTTERcream icing was…different. Let’s just say that the cocoa and icing sugar and BUTTER here must be a bit different. It sorta of…slid around the bowl in a big ball. But we mixed it with peanut butter and it tasted phenomenal. I’ve been surprised by what they sell here…EVERYTHING. I mean, more things that even in the states. There are a FEW (and I mean very few) things you can’t get here. I learned that their smoke alarms are required by law to be built into the ceilings in every building, so that’s nice to know.

Well, as I think of more and have time I’ll keep you posted. Until next time!


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