Tuesday, September 15, 2009

I Love Cat Hair

Actually, I don't. But it's one of those mental things...if you tell it to yourself enough, you'll start to believe it. In this case, if I tell myself I love cat hair, eventually I won't mind the natural rug that so gracefully covers my "wood" floor. I do, however, love the cat which makes the rug.

I am happy to say that I have a clean house once again. It took some doing. I was scrubbing my fridge and I looked at the clock. "It's getting late" I thought, but kept scrubbing. There's no Mr. Clean Magic Eraser for this job, so nothing's going to get rid of the nasties except scrubbing. So I did. And as I did I was thinking...it's kind of the same way in my walk with God. I'm not going to keep the dirties of sin out of my life unless I work work work at keeping in the Word and prayer and trying to obey God. There's no Mom to pick up after me (thanks mom!) and it takes time and dedication. If I want a clean house, I have to break out the elbow grease. If I want a clean heart and life, I have to work at building my relationship with God.

I was also thinking about soap. I was at a friend's house tonight, and I mentioned that their handsoap smelled really good! And, by George, it did. By the way, I've never understood the phrase "by George" and yet I use it anways...hmm. Anyways, off topic. So I was thinking that soap smells really really yummy but tastes just awful if you put it in your mouth. And it can make you sick too. It's the same way with sin. It might look, taste, sound, smell, feel appealing, but really it's nasty and it can raelly hurt you. Just a thought.

I've had quite the interesting yet fun week. Four, possibly soon to be five, teachers have turned into pigs. Rather, they have H1N1 swine flu. So, 4th grade teacher is home sick, so I have been teaching them as well as my 5th graders. It's been...interesting...to say the least. I'm afraid today I felt a bit grumpy inside...I don't think I took it out on the kids, but my patience was a bit short and I had to pray a lot today. Anyways, the poor 4th graders have been handed around a lot (seeing as this is only our 3nd week of school.) I think their teacher has had them a grand total of 2 days because she's been sick, bless her heart! They seem to being going with the flow, but we'll see how they hold up this week.

I have to say, I've been very blessed to have the kids I have. They have their (sometimes many) moments, but God has been with me and given me strength and patiences and wisdom and many other things that I need to help train these kids. I know He'll continue to do that.

Here goes nothing! It's actually 12:30, and I need more sleep than I've been giving myself. Fancy that. So, goodnight all. Sleep well or have a great day...whatever floats your boat at this time.


2 Timothy 4:7 I have fought a good fight, I have finished my race, I have kept the faith.

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