Friday, September 11, 2009

Flea Fly Flo

Well, camp is officially over, and I'm back. It was amazing! Pretty much wonderful. We got there on Monday and the kids started coming around 3pm. The two teams were red Army and blue Navy. As the kids were sent to their teams, all the counselors were going crazy jumping up and down and cheering. I don't think the kids really knew what to do...I've seen confused Koreans in class but not like this. It took the girls about a day to warm up and then they started cheering and getting into it. The boys, however, waiting until almost the last day. :) But that's ok because we had fun.

The girls cabins were actually in a big house. It had a livingroom/dining room, a "bigger" bedroom and 2 smaller bedrooms downstairs and a "bigger" bedroom upstairs. Blue team had the livingroom/dining room and the bigger room downstairs and my cabin had the 2 smaller rooms and the other red team had the upstairs. THere was one bathroom for about 40 girls. Throw in 4 girls with the flu, several more with coughs and stomach aches, amazing games, a smelly bathroom, great food, the water turning off randomly, an uphill hike in flip flops, and a language barrier, and you've got yourself a great week! No really, it was awesome!

The preaching was just stellar. I learned some new things, and the kids really seemed to respond. I was able to talk to 4 girls one on one about things like assurance of salvation, choosing the right friends, controlling your tongue, etc. It was amazing the opportunities God gave me to help these girls see from His Word how they should live their lives. Many times it was a rebuke to me. Many kids responded to the messages, and a few got saved. Others had sin in their lives that they confessed. It was awesome!

The food was great! A couple times they made things like fried chicked and mashed potatoes with gravy and rolls, French toast and eggs, and the like. The rest of the time it was Korean food...rice, various veggies, noodles, and meats. It was delicious! I've never had such amazing camp food!

The camp was set at the foot of a mountain. It was smaller, but the buildings were nice. There was much dust and dirt (it wouldn't be camp without it!) and flowers here and there. The girls and guys took turns hiking the mountain. The counselors were asked to go, so I said ok...even though I only had flip flops to wear. So, about 5 mins into the surprise...I tripped climbing up a rock because my shoe caught on the edge and I skinned my knee and shin and twisted my wrist. I tried for about 5 more mins, but then I headed down. Dangerous lol...but fun nonetheless.

My team (red Army) won by literally one person saying one verse...10 points. It was close all week. THe kids had so much fun, and so did everyone else. It was great to see them relax and get into the fun.

When we got back, I didn't want to sleep because I knew I'd sleep for way too long and get groggy. So, I put on fresh clothes and showered and ventured out. We went to the foreign zone (where all the foreigners are) and walked around. I saw some interesting shops and ate at a Turkish restaurant. Then we decided to go around the...block? haha We came across a Mosque so we went up the big stairs. We started to go up to the men's prayer room (without realizing it) and we were called down. Ooohhh....of course the men and women are apart. So, we found the women's prayer room, put on the head dresses and ankle length skirts, took off our shoes, and went up. It was heartbreaking. I saw women there bowing and praying. Then I looked over the edge (I'm not sure if that was taboo) and saw countless men...I stopped counting at 100...bowing in unison to...nothing. There really was nothing. So we watched for a bit, I prayed to my God, the one true God, and we left. We went downstairs and started exploring and then this woman came up to us and started talking to us. She gaves us books on Islam. We talked to Eve for about 15 minutes until her husband asked her to come to go home. She asked me for my e-mail and I got hers. She told us all about Islam and verses kept popping into my head. I'm praying I can build a relationship with her and witness to her.

After this, we saw a little alley way and went down it, only to get lost (which we were trying to do. Sucess!) We walked around for a bit and eventually found a bus that took us to the metro stop. I got to swing around in revolving door, ask directions from someone who didn't speak English, and laugh a lot. We caught the metro to our next stop and squeezed into the crowds. It was a ton of people in a ton of stores with lights and stuff everwhere. We ate at an amazing restaurant where you have a big pot of water on your table cooking over a gas stove thing. You put bean sprouts and other veggies into the water and then, when it's boiling, you put very thin strips of extremely lean meat into the water. The water cooks it and then you eat it. It was so healthy and very yummy. In the shops here, the people have mics and they announce their sales and stuff to get the people to come in and buy it. So, I asked this nice looking lady if I could announce for her shop which had a deal on 1,000 won earring, and she let me! It was fun! THen we got icecream and coffee. The coffee place was darkened and it had plush couches with curtain and tables. Like private rooms almost. It was interesting.

Well, I'm tired of writing for now. My diploma should be here soon so I can go to Guam and get my visa! Then I can have my health check and get my alien card! And then...the process will be done! Time to get ready for another day.


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