Sunday, August 30, 2009

A New Start

Tomorrow is the first day of school! I have my class all set up, and I'm read for the kids to come! I think it'll be a good day. A couple of my biggest prayers is that I can stay consistent in a couple areas: my walk with God, my portrayal of a Christian, and my discipline. God will help me, and I know I'll mess up, but His grace is greater than my slips. I want to make an impact on my students and show them God's love through what I do. I don't want them to see a fake Christian or one who doesn't love them and only cares about grades.

Church was good today! I was a bit zoned because (before I knew it) it was 1am yesterday and I was making cakes with 2 other teachers for a birthday party we had today. I had a good time reading for my devotions today.

I realized, and this is very obvious but not always to me, that if I just look for it more I will see God's answers to prayers in tons of ways. AND that will lead me to pray more. It's amazing how much I can overlook...but, like I said before, God gives grace and He's still working even when I'm clueless.

Well, time for bed. Bright and early tomorrow! :D Peace.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

The Three P's

I wrote this a over the summer:

I’ve been reading a bunch of missionary biographies in the last few weeks. I’m doing this because I want to study the ways of those servants of God who gave their all for Him and we used in mighty ways. Why did they do it, how did they do it, what did they do, and what did God do? I’ve read 7 at this point, and my goal is 30. So far I’ve noticed three P’s. I honestly didn’t have to think about these to make them all start with the same letter, but they really were what I noticed. I wanted to expand on them for my own sake because I’m really trying to learn from these warriors how to live a life of faith and service to God. I might not be the next Mary Slessor or George Muller, but I can have a mindset and heart like they did. My goal isn’t to become world famous and have books written about me, but my goal is to win souls to Christ and to spread the gospel across the world, all of this with God’s help. I want to be a servant who is totally willing to do her Master’s will. I want to be a worker who does everything with all her might for God and no anyone else. I want to be the person is spends and is spent all for Jesus. I want to let God use me however He sees fit, wherever, whenever, and with whom ever. Just to be used by God is my greatest goal next to loving Him. The three P’s:

Prayer was a theme that was woven throughout all of the missionary biographies I have read. The power of prayer was evident by God’s working through these missionaries to reach people for Christ, bring in resources, money, and food, and overcome barriers such as language, culture, and physical needs. These people who dedicated their lives to God would not have been successful in their prayer lives had they not held, in an unwavering way, to their faith that God can move mountains and break down any walls as He sees the need. 1 John 5:14-15 reads "This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. And if we know that he hears us - whatever we ask - we know that we have what we asked of him.” Prayer works, it is effective, and this was proven literally countless times through these prayer warriors. They went through life on their knees, spending sometimes hours a day begging God for the salvation of souls that were bound to sin’s death, for basic every day needs like food and clothing and building supplies, and for mountains that seemed too high to climb like language barriers, cannibalism, terrain, government, and many other horrific sins. And what did we see happen because of this? They were always provided for, many people became children of God, and countless walls were broken down, some that seemed too strong and high. James 5:16 states “the prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.” God hears, and God works through those who are willing to daily give life’s struggles and burdens over to Him so that He can carry out His perfect plan. These missionaries did not rely on themselves or those around them, but they solely and confidently relied on God alone to get them through every day. They relied on Lamentations 3:23’s mercies that are new every morning and 2 Corinthians 12:9’s grace that is sufficient and power that is made perfect in weakness and Psalm 73:26’s strength of God when our flesh is weak. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 says “Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.” This life of prayer was consistently lived out by these missionaries. They were not perfect people by any stretch of the imagination, but instead, they let God use their sinful weaknesses to show His power, glory, might, and will through them. They had nothing going for them except to trust in God and give their lives daily to Him so He could use them.

Passion drove these humble spreaders of God’s word. The passion of living life completely for God and nothing else, the passion of seeing lost souls won from the grip of hell, the passion of relying on God for everything, the passion of going wherever He wanted them to go, and the passion of working for the ultimate goal of a crown in Heaven and their precious Jesus saying “Well done good and faithful servant.” Romans 12:11 commands believers to be “fervent in spirit, serving the Lord.” If you look at people such as Paul and Stephen and many other preachers and martyrs of the New Testament, you see that they were so passionate about doing God’s work that they endured shipwrecks, stoning, jail, persecution, and in many case, death. They didn’t have a love for the world, but a passion for God. They didn’t care what people thought of them in respect to worldly things, but they cared only about getting the message of Jesus’ death and love to a dying world. Psalm 126:5-6 says “They that sow in tears shall reap in joy. He that goes forth and weeps, bearing precious seed, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him." I’m sure that these missionaries, both in the distant past and in the present, wept over the lost souls begging God to save those who were dying and going to hell every day without knowing God and the eternal life that they could have. They were passionate about these things, and they did reap the harvest of souls in joy. Psalm 97:10a says “Ye that love the Lord, hate evil…” These people hated evil and sin that trapped and cocooned the world, and they desired nothing more than to see God lifted up and the sin thrown away and crushed by the power of God. God used their passion for Him and things of His word to work in mighty ways in hearts all over the world. If these missionaries had not had this undying passion for God and souls, they would have done their work half heartedly and would have possibly given up when times got hard. But they cared little of other things except their passion for God.

Perseverance was the third common trait that I noticed in these missionaries. They were lifers. Once they realized their goal in life, to serve God, they kept going until their dying day. “Rejoice in hope, be patient in suffering, persevere in prayer.” Romans 12:12. These people did rejoice in hope. They loved Christ’s appearing, and they never took their eyes off of Jesus and Heaven. They knew what was ahead for the servant who gave it all for God, and this was their hope. All of the missionaries I read about faced the same thing: persecution. It came in so many ways, and no matter what, they all had the same outcome. They just persevered for the sake of the gospel, for the will of God, for the love of their Jesus, for the hope of glory, and for the salvation of souls. They didn’t have fancy, easy lives. Usually they lived with minimal comforts, and they adopted the culture and ways of living on whatever mission field they went to. They were very patient in suffering. And, as I wrote about before, they did persevere in prayer. God knew everything that they would ask before they asked it, but He still loved their fellowship with Him. Prayer was not a ritual or drudgery, but rather a special, intimate time talking with their Father and giving up burden and heartache and troubles onto His much stronger shoulders. Prayer was a beautiful communion between a Father and His child, and it was cherished. Romans 8:25 says “for we hope for what we do not see, we wait for it with patience.” They couldn’t see Jesus and Heaven yet, but they had the promise and they clung to the hope. “I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith. Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing.” 2 Timothy 4:7-8. This is the verse that these missionaries lived. They did fall down, sin, and fail, but they got back up, put on the Lord’s armor, and fought the good fight against sin and death, and for life and peace. They were courageous soldiers for Christ who knew that their commander, Jesus, had already won the victory. They kept pushing on in this fight until they won as they passed from this life into glory. Matthew 6:33 says, “But seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you.” This was the reason that they persevered: for the kingdom of God. For furthering it and for entering it. They did not shy away from the greatness of the number of unreached people or the trials and would be ahead, but they pressed on. “Brethren, I do not regard myself as having laid hold of it yet; but one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 3:14-15. Their eyes were on Jesus and the prize, on Heaven’s shore where they would finally see Jesus, be perfect, and rest forever. They persevered for God’s sake. They were passionate for God’s sake. They prayed to God for the sake of the world.

A lot of people don’t think it’s necessary to go to other parts of the world to reach the lost because workers and people are needed right where they are to carry the load and reach out to the lost. This is true, but how many people have heard the gospel, especially in America, as opposed to some parts of the world that have literally never even heard the name of Jesus? There are many places, I’m sure. More workers are needed in the rest of the world that will go and reap the harvest of souls. They’re ready, and God is looking for people who will devote themselves to prayer, passion, and perseverance for the cause of Christ and the cross. So, maybe we won’t all be missionaries, but anyone can have this mindset wherever they are. God has also given us a job to do right where He has put us, no matter how small. “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.” Colossians 3:23-24. God is looking for our best wherever we are. He chose to use these missionaries in great ways all over the world, but a small work in a small town by an unknown person is just as important to God. Whether we’re a missionary or a worker where we are, we’re doing it for God. TO bring Him glory and to see souls saved should be our greatest joy. WE might not always see the results here, but we will in Heaven when He says, “Well done,” which I personally cannot wait to hear.

Lord, use me however you will. I give myself, my life, my wants, my hopes, my dreams, and all of my heart to you to do with what you see fit. Send me and I will go. Ask me and I will do it. Help me and I will thank you. Bless me and I will praise you. Bring me trials and I will praise you. Let me life be pleasing to you and let it be used to reach many people for your kingdom. Let me hold nothing back, but let me move ahead on my knees and in confidence that you who have begun a good work in me will continue it until I reach Heaven.

Friday, August 28, 2009


So, the orphanage...really really REALLY a gift from God! I fell in love with those 2 seconds flat. I wanted to cry and smile at the same just confirms what I want to do. They just wanted to look at my eyes because they said they look like jewels because they are blue. :) And they gave me a Korean name!! :) It's pronounced Joo-nee. Spelled differently. I gave them English names...David, Nate, and Daniel!! (from right to left in the first pictuer) :D first they laughed but I explained why I chose them and they liked them. Hopefully they will keep them forever. I also met our translator, Song-he (sp?). She's a Christian...very VERY friendly!! We had a good time.
There's my orphanage update!! :D Pray that I have more chances to go. :)

Run Along

Quick update! Got my classroom all set up AND got the approval of a 5th grader. :D I decided to leave at 6 so I could actually scarf dinner down before heading out to meet Jason at 6:40 to go to the ORPHANAGE!!! But I got a little sidetracked taking pictures....oops! :D Still, I was able to eat a hot dog and drink something. Almost time to leave...and I refuse to be late!

Today I asked my student (whose mom works at the school so he's there all day) if he likes the classroom. He said "Yes, but Miss Janke, if I'm good and don't talk will you not make me sit in the middle of the girls?" LOL! I couldn't help but laugh! So cute. I said no, of course (what kind of a mean teacher would I be?)

So, I'm off to see the bebes at the orphanage! I'm so excited!! :D :D God just dropped this opportunity into my lap. Thank you Lord! More later.


Wednesday, August 26, 2009

My Great God

I can only imagine the feeling in the air that day. The cries of the people peirced the stillness as the whip came down again and again on His back. The skin hanging raw, tattered and torn, bleeding. A King slumped over in missery as He was beaten over and over. His cries of pain must have mingled with the people who shouted "Crucify Him! Crucify Him!" The eyes of love looked directly at these people who wanted Him to die a horrible, cruel death and saw through to their sinful souls. He saw their need for life and peace and love. Unconditional love. In spite of their hateful words and actions, He loved them. During this time when they spit on Him and mocked His name, He loved them. When they cursed Him with their lips and heart, He loved them. While they kicked and beat and pushed Him, He loved them. He loved them while they fashioned a crown from sharp thorns and pushed it down on His head. They did not ask for love, but He loved them anyways.

The rough wood must have splintered in the jagged flesh that hung from His back, rubbing against it. Like a million knives stabbing in to the already angushing sores. He carried the huge cross on a back that had little strength left. He carried the rugged cross with hands that reached out to the lost that surrounded Him on all sides. He carried the cross for one purpose. He walked the road of sorrow, up, up to the place of the skull. But, before He reached that dark hill, He stumbled beneath the weight. So weak, He could not continue lifting this heavy burden. And so, another man was forced to bear the load. They led Him...they led the King. Our great King of love.

Huge spikes were driven into His hands, into His feet. Right through tender flesh and bones. Up they hoisted the wooden structure of pain and death. And there He hung. He hung on the cross of Calvary with a sign over His head that read "King of the Jews." And that He was. King of everything, actually. Hours passed, and He hung there. Suspended between life and death. The eyes of His mother beheld her Son, dying. Dying for a world that would reject Him, but knowing that many would accept Him. The veil was torn, the sky blackened. As black as night. And He died. JESUS died. The blood that flowed from His head, His hands, His side, His feet. This blood poured freely for those standing before Him, for all of mankind that would ever live. His life blood. And He passed from life to death.

The moment the cries of the people went up upon finding Jesus dead, head slumped on His chest, must have been deafening. But louder still the cry of "VICTORY!" Death, or so it seemed, had won. Jesus' death had crushed death. As backwards as it seems, Jesus' death brought life. "For the wages of sin is death..." Sin was demolished, the price of sin was paid in FULL at that very moment. One perfect, holy Man, Jesus, died once for all. One time. Every drop He shed was shed for every sin of every human on the earth. "But the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord." Every person can look to the cross, to the blood that Jesus shed, to the debt He paid for all sin, and they can receive freedom. Freedom from sin's curse, freedom from it's slavery, freedom from unrest, and want, hate, and bitterness. Freedom from death itself. It's through Jesus' blood.

An amazing truth, that my Jesus could die and pay for the sins of the whole world. Yet, so often I forget to trust Him. If God, my Jesus, could take the chief of sinners and cleanse me sins, make me His own child, and teach me to be more like Him, can't He do anything? The answer: yes. My God can do anything. So why should I even doubt? Why should I ever worry, or fear, or wonder what the future will hold? Why would I ever want to commit the very sins that literally nailed Him to the cross? My heart hates sin. My heart is unspeakably thankful and joyful for this act of unconditional love that my Jesus lavished on me. Me? Yes, me. The one who deserves it the least.

That's my great God.

When It Rains In Asia

It rained today! Haha I was able to wear flip flops and I found a cheap umbrella next to the bus stop, so I was good to go. I was thinking...I wonder if one of those raindrops fell over my hometown and was evaporated and carried over to Korea. Wouldn't that be swell? Hmm...something I'll have to ask God when I get to Heaven.

I went to Wednesday night church tonight! It was wonderful!! The pastor spoke on where a Christian can find true happiness. And he compared it to the world and how they look for happiness in things that only satisfy for a time. And it's so true...I remember those days when I tried this and that new thing and went here and there and it was good for a while but then it got old and I'd look for something else. I was never satisfied or content. I went for a walk today and saw the people walking around. I can't talk to them...I only know a few words...and I know so many of them (probably the grand majority) does not have salvation and forgivenss and true happiness in God. And that drives me to learn the language so I can explain that to them. Sooo...I'm going to be taking Korean classes starting in about a month. I'm so excited! Please pray that God will help me to learn it quickly so I can build relationships with my students, their parents, and other Koreans who might not know English.

I'm now able to take myself to several places around our area of the city. I'm branching out more and more every day! :) My classroom is taking shape and I got my class list today. 14 students! :D 5 girls, 9 boys. I have my long range plan done, and I'm working on my schedule and first week lesson plans. Only a few more days and I get to meet my students!!!

I think it's very awesome how God gives us little things to show us that He cares about us. For instance, Robyn, one of the teachers, really wanted a piano because she loves to play. But, of course, they're expensive and so she just dismissed the thought. Well, just 2 days ago, one of the men asked if she knew of anyone who would like a piano for their apartment because there was one sitting in one of the classrooms not being used. She said she would, and they moved it in yesterday. In fact, I can hear her playing right now! She was thrilled, naturally, and it just brings to light the fact that God is planning for our needs AND wants even before we think about the little pleasures. He loves us and loves to shower us with blessings. He's given me a more than enormous apartment with hot running water, a brand new washer/dryer, food, a purified water, airconditioning, and awesome teachers to work with. That's just naming a few!! I couldn't ask for a more amazing God, and I couldn't love anyone more. I don't deserve any of it...I deserve hell, in fact...but God's mercy and grace are greater than all my sins. So, thank you God for keeping me safe and well. My prayer is that I can show Him love in return by keeping His commandments and getting to know Him and grow in Him.

I suppose I should lesson that's a thought! Thank you for all your prayers!! Until next time!


Monday, August 24, 2009

I'll Sleep Well Tonight

Well, in-service started today. The first meeting/challenge was VERY good. I didn't take notes because I was unprepared (shame on me) but it was good nonetheless (I don't like that phrase...why did I use it?) We all sorted through 125 boxes of textbooks and then took them up to the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th floor. We were all sweaty by the end and hungry for lunch. I was able to work on my room...taking books out of plastic, sorting them, putting them on the shelf, moving desks and shelves, cleaning, sorting, etc. I was at the school from 9:30-6. It was fun and it passed quickly, but I know I'll sleep well tonight!

I met one of my students. If he isn't just the cutest little thing, I don't even know who is!! He was PRICELESS! So adorable. :) I'm so excited!! And his English was very good which gives me a glimmer of hope.

I went shopping with another teacher and got some school supplies as well as more items for my apartment. It's amazing how many little things you need (and want--but I've been pretty good in only getting things I need...pretty good :) On the way back (which I can now find my way around pretty well in a small area) I tried Korean toast. It was this little shop...maybe 5 feet wide and 15 feet long. The shopkeeper cracked an egg into a square thing and cooked it along with cheese, sausage (which is more like ultra processed hotdog...) some interesting sweet sauce, and really sweet pickles. It was soo hot and delicious! I didn't particularly care for the pickles, but they weren't horrible. I'm not a pickle person. I found my way back and even walked myself to the grocery store. I saw some of the administrators there and they asked me if I ventured out alone. I said yes and then they told me that they were right behind me and wanted to make sure I found the way. I did! I was very happy. I'm starting to recognize landmarks. Now to get a cell phone so I can really venture out alone. I feel VERY safe here. Even at night there are scores of people walking around and cars going by.

Well, I really should be working on my long range plan that's due Wednesday, so until next time.


Sunday, August 23, 2009

Tunnel Vision

Lately I've found myself with severe tunnel's like there's only one thing I'm focused on. Everything else really does fade into the background, it's not attention grabbing anymore. I just keep hearing the words in my head. "Well done good and faithful servant." Standing before Jesus, the one who died to save me and give me life, I will hear these words. I will look into His sweet amazing face, and I'll be home. Where I belong.

So many times it's easy to see things in the world that entice me. They might not even be wrong, but they don't allow me to use my time for the two purposes that I'm here: to spread the gospel and to become more like Christ. They don't let me redeem the time. It's becoming less and less difficult to turn my back on those things and have heavenly tunnel vision. My life on this earth serves no purpose but to bring glory to God through my service to Him. I love what that entails. It allows me to meet people with whom I can become close and share what God has been teaching me, encourage them, and point them to Christ. It allows me to go places and speak the name of Christ unashamed. For my purpose God has given me gifts and desires such as changing lives through teaching. It allows me to spend time learning about God, talking with Him, and getting ready for Heaven. I'm a stranger here...this world really isn't my home. I understand what Paul said in Phil. 1:23-26 "I am hard pressed between the two. My desire is to depart and be with Christ, for that is far better. But to remain in the flesh is more necessary on your account. Convinced of this, I know that I will remain and continue with you all, for your progress and joy in the faith, so that in me you may have ample cause to glory in Christ Jesus, because of my coming to you again." I want to be with Christ, but I am needed here. Until God says it's time for me to come home, I'm going to push on with the goal of Heaven in mind.

So in everything I do here, I have to ask the question, "If I was to lay this offering (my time, my actions, my words, my things, etc.) before the throne of God, would He say well done?" If the answer is not 100% sure YES! THen I need to reevaluate what I am doing. I'm a stranger here on earth, and my life has to be sold out, totally dedicated, 100% given to the furthering the name of Jesus and becoming more like Him. It's not about me or the world or anything, it's a life of Christ.

"For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain."

In other news, church was great today! Everyone was very welcoming, and I felt part of the family as soon as I walked in the door. I'm finding it more and more necessary to gather with believers. I can't imagine not having that and God has been gracious in allowing me to worship Him freely each Sunday. I think of other believers in countries like China, and I am so much more grateful for what I have.

The message was about endurance. "Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God." Hebrews 12:2. Jesus' joy was doing the Father's will. He had one purpose on earth and that was to accomplish the mission to which He was sent and then go home to glory. That's my mission too. It goes along with the tunnel vision. My perfect example of endurance and pressing on is Jesus Himself (as always :) He endured and went to the cross. He knew what the pain would be like, but He didn't waver or give in to the world. He pressed on and so will I. When it seems to hard, I think of Jesus' death. That was much harder. So where there's pain and sorrow, there's greater comfort, joy, and peace.

In-service starts tomorrow!!! I'm so excited!!!! Then in a week I get to meet my kiddies. Oh, I just realized it's almost 12:30! I have to be up early tomorrow, so tata for now.


Saturday, August 22, 2009

One Step Down

Well, I've officially graduated to step 2 of the metro training. Actually, the metro is very easy to use. I got a reloadable card, and all the maps are easy to read and follow. I went pretty far with two other teachers today, and we used hand motions and limited Korean to ask where a certain shopping center was. A smile and a thank you go a long way! We were tired by the end, but it was so fun!

One interesting shirt I saw today said "peanutbutter, jelly, banana & sandwhich" :) I'll keep updated on the translations.

Chicago (ma kitteh) is fitting in nicely. He's very sweet and likes to sit on my lap and purr. He did keep me up last night by meowing pittifully every couple hours and jumping on the fridge and the top of my wardrobe. But he's getting used to it. I like having a companion! I filled and cleaned a litter box for the first time ever in my life!! I was very proud of myself! :D Cats aren't as fun as dogs, but they're still cute, and Chiggy is really cuddly.

We're going down to the stream tonight, so I get to use the metro again. :D I think this adventure is going to be amazing! In-service starts on Monday, and then school starts the following Monday. In 3 weeks we are going to "camp." I don't know any details, but I pray that some students make decisions to accept Christ/change their lives around if they're already saved. Camp is a good place for that, and I would love nothing more!

My feet are tired from LOTS of walking, but I'm happy and hot. My airconditiong is going full blast, and Chiggy and I are resting in the apartment. I got some fun bead curtains things (only they're not beads...) for my room. It gives that little funness to the house. Hopefully I'll be able to add more accents soon! Only that invovled $$...hmm...we'll see what bargains we can find!

Until next time.


Thursday, August 20, 2009

Another Day, Another Dollar

Well, I had my first official sleep in Seoul (the airport bench didn't count.) I went to bed last night at 1:30am and woke up widely at 7:30am this morning. I wasn't tired, so I got ready and started unpacking. Like climbing Everest...I tell ya! Took me almost 3 hours, but I did it. EVERYTHING is unpacked!! It feels more like home now.

The people (teachers and Koreans) are so friendly! They make me feel right at home. I'm having a great time!

God really has gone with me. I had to pray a lot in the airport so I wouldn't get nervous or worried wondering when I would be picked up. I opened my Bible and turned right to the verse in Haggai 13 that says "I am with you, declares the Lord." It was comforting, and I was able to relax and take in the surroundings.

Until next time!


Home Sweet Home

Well, I made it home. When we finally broke through the clouds and I could see the city, I fell in love with it already. It's beautiful! I met some interesting people on the flight over (which was long but not too bad.) I sat next to a young guy, about my age, who was from Mongolia. I talked to an American who was living in Hong Kong with her 4 kids and another family going to HK. I talked to many other people who were very friendly and made my flight over not so boring! haha.

When I got to the airport, I checked out normal for my temperature (what a great greeting!) and cleared customs with barely any questions. Then I waited...and waited...and waited. I got in at 6pm and wasn't picked up until 11ish. I was able to get some sleep, but I got some interesting stares from various asian passersby. I tried paging my ride, using a taxi driver's cell phone, using a pay phone, and I finally got the message across through the internet. There had been a simple mix up of flight times. So, all that part was over and we drove through the city (sooo wonderful!) and to a cute little side street.

My apartment is awesome! When you walk into the rooms, the floor is raised a bit, so I'm sure that'll be the death of me. If not, it'll be the mountain climber stairs. But it's very quaint and cute. I haven't even bothered to unload and get settled because it's already almost 1am. The teachers are sooo friendly and we had a great time talking (although I was in that strange brain stage.) So, it's off to bed for me. We'll see what Seoul holds for tomorrow.


Tuesday, August 18, 2009

I Love Ya Tomorrow!

Joshua 1:9 ...Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.

A command and a promise. What a great truth to take with me! :D

I've said goodbye to my church family, told my bebes not to grow up while I was gone, and ALMOST gotten everything packed. I won't bore you with the rest of the details. I'm ready to embark. I leave early tomorrow morning and I'm so excited!! I can't wait to see what happens. I'm glad I have verses like these to hang on to.

See you on the other side!


Saturday, August 15, 2009

Soon to Depart

So, in 4 days, 45 minutes and 2 seconds (as of writing this right now) I will be on a non-stop flight to Seoul, South Korea. What adventures await me? Only time will tell. This is how the conversation goes with the people I tell:

Person: So, what will you be doing now that you've graduated?
Me: Oh, I'm going to teaching in South Korea for two years.
Person: Where?! (flabbergasted)
Me: South Korea
Person: Wow, that's a long way away. Are you nervous?
Me: Nope.

And then the conversation generally goes on from there. So, if I'm not nervous, what am I? Well, aside from a human, I'm excited, in wonder, dreamy, and freaked out of my mind. Well, sort of. I've pack my favorite two books (the Bible and Guess How Much I Love You), my neck pillow, my money belt, and various other little odds and ends that I'll need for my 5th grade class. The rest of my clothes have been puked out of my suitcase and repacked for various other summer jaunts, spilled out again, and will soon be washed and repacked. I've talked to God a lot about this trip, and I'm very peaceful. I'm ready to see what the near future holds for me.

I titled my blog "The Road" because that's what the rest of my life will be (and has been). A road that leads to Heaven and God's "well done good and faithful servant." Everything I do will be along this road. My greatest prayer is that I am faithful to God in everything (including and especially the small things) and that I stay on His narrow road. That I live within His will every single day, and that I aim to please only Him. The Road is hard, exciting, confusing, fun, beautiful, stormy, amazingly wonderful, and much much more. But the road is one that I walk with God. Always. His path is perfect, His timing is perfect, and there is not a single milisecond that I don't walk right next to Him. His protection is sure, His love is unconditional and unending, and His forgiveness is complete. THere will be times when the world will entice me to just step even a toe off His path, but by His grace I won't. I'll stay strong like I've been preparing to do. The devil will follow me to South Korea, but so will the armor of God.

I'm sure I'll have many interesting and funny things to write about (although those who know me know that a lot of stories I tell are the maybe-you-just-had-to-be-there kind, so we'll see.) Until then.
