Monday, November 7, 2011

Psalm 86

Lord, hear the prayer
From poor and needy lips
From one who trusts in you
You are my God

Make my soul glad
To you I lift my soul
And in my deepest need
You answer me

There is no one
Like you, the only God
Worthy of glorious praise
From every tongue

For you are great
And you do wondrous things
Nations will bow the knee
Praising their King

Teach me your way
Show me the path to take
Lead me in righteousness
Lead me in truth

Help me to walk
Close to your side, oh God
That I may never stray
From you my Guide

Your love abounds
Lord you are merciful
Gracious and faithful, God
I will give thanks

With my whole heart
I will exalt your name
Praise you for all my days
Great is your love

When you are closest to God, the devil is closest to you.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

A Portrait of My God: King of Kings

I was standing in the kitchen making banana bread (which didn't turn out, by the way) while watching the rain on the kitchen window. I few minutes later I turned back to the window to watch the...snow? Yes, snow in October. It began falling at 11:30am, and it's still falling at 2:32pm. It's beautiful but early.

I was thinking how awesome it is that God did a couple things. First, He makes the deciduous trees lose their broad leaves in the fall. If they don't lose their leave before the snow comes, their leaves will gather the snow, make the leave too heavy, and the branches will break under their weight (which is what is happening in my backyard...) He also makes the coniferous trees to be shaped like...cones...which ensures that the snow will slide off and not gather too much on the leaves. Because of this, they can stay green all year round. Second, God does not make any two snow flakes the same. I was watching thousands of snowflakes fall right outside my little kitchen window, and they were all different from one another. And that's just outside my small window. Amazing Creator God.

Seeing snow like this makes me picture the little children in China (and all over the world) who are not only without moms and dads, but also without homes, coats, blankets, gloves, and food. I miss China...

So, as you can imagine, it's very cold here now. I'm talking gloves, hats, scarves, coats, and boots kind of cold. And cold and flu season kind of cold. Speaking of flu seasons, I was petrified because I was going to have to get my flu shot. When I went to the doctor, she offered me the option of getting a nasal spray in place of the needle. It was ELATED! Anyone who knows me know that I faint every time I get a needle. I wanted to hug her, but I refrained. :D

No other name can make all nations
Bow down in a worship of a King
One who is worthy of all honor
More than the praises we can sing

No other kingdom lasts forever
With no beginning and no end
No other King can save His people
Rescue their souls from hell and death

You, oh God
Are the King above all King
To you alone
We lift our voices and we sing
Worthy is the Lord
Worthy are you, God
We lift our eyes in awe
To the King of Kings

We stand in wonder at the mention
That you were born a little babe
You came in obedience to your Father
Knowing the price that you must pay

You took the nails, the crown, the vict'ry
Now we can see an empty grave
No other King would have such mercy
That He would die so we'd be saved

You, oh God
Are the Lord above all Lord
And you alone
We worship and adore
Worthy is the Lamb
Worthy are you, God
We lift our eyes in awe
To the King of Kings



Tuesday, October 25, 2011

I'm Back in the Blogging Spirit...

It's fall again. This year, I'm in a different place yet again. For being a large, crowded city, there are quite a few trees in NYC. And Central Park in the fall...don't even get me started! Now, if only I had my camera.

Ah yes, my camera. It's like the extension of my hand. My third eye. Alas, it began refusing to take pictures, so I had to take it to the repair shop. They're still working on making Elvira all better, but I'm missing many opportunities. Absence makes the heart grow fonder...or so they say.

Yes, NYC is beautiful in the fall. The leaves are slowly changing color, and the air only recently became crisp and cold. Today was the epitome of a gorgeous fall day. I still, on occasion, wear flip flops. I'm sure people think, "She's crazy!" in their heads, but I just think, "I despise shoes." So it all evens out, and we're good to go. I just can't bring myself to cram my feet into shoes before it's absolutely necessary (meaning: before my toes go numb and turn blue.)

In other news (because I know how much you care about my flip flops and camera), I went to an exhibit called Dialogue in the Dark. In short, you are given a blind person's walking cane and a guide who is legally blind. A group of people are then led through a series of rooms that are meant to simulate popular spots in NYC. Some spots include Central Park, Times Square, the subway, a grocery store, and a cafe. The catch is that you are led through these rooms in pitch blackness. It is as if you are blind. As I stood outside waiting for our guide to begin the tour, I thought, "What am I getting myself into?" As the lights went down, I thought this again. Only this time, it was too late. Initially, it was quite challenging, but as time went on it became less so. The guide encouraged us to "look" around using our hands. We "saw" bicycles, garbage cans, bushes, water, fruits and veggies, milk, ketchup, pasta, a subway car, trucks, etc. We could smell flowers, hear people talking, hear horns honking, and smell hot dog stands. The guide led us in crossing the street in Times Square, and riding the subway felt quite real. Ok, so that wasn't exactly "in short," but you get the idea. I would do it again!

I've been going through China withdrawal in the last few days. Sometimes I feel so far away from China, and sometimes I feel so close that I can almost smell the good and not so good smells, hear the language, feel the air, and see the people. Unless God changes it, my plan is to stay in NYC for 3 years. I know it's going to feel long and short, hard and easy. When I miss China is when it will be the worst, but I know that once I finally get there, it'll all be worth it. I'm needed here for now. I know why. There are several reasons, but a couple stand out to me more. God has a plan, and I want to say "yes" to each small step on a daily basis. Like I've said before, He's handing me life piece by piece. He can see the whole picture on the puzzle box, and He knows how all the pieces fit together. I just have to trust Him that He will give me everything in His perfect timing.

I noticed that places like NYC are very materialistic. I'm sure anyone in their right mind would agree with me. I'm trying to distance myself from that while still living in the middle of it. It's so easy to get comfortable and want more and more and more. I need to be saving for my future in China, and I need to remember every day that if I have God, I have all that I need. He's everything that I could ever want and ever need.

If you took everything I have
My possessions and my health
All the ones I love so much
I'd still praise you

And if I walked through endless trials
And you led me through the fire
I'd still believe that you
Are more than enough

God you're my hope
You are my strength
You are my peace
You're all I need
Lord you're my love
My dearest friend
I will love you without end
You're all I need

I will go, follow if you call
And I'll trust you as my guide
Dangers cannot make me fear
I know you're near

Lord if you send me far away
Far from everything I know
I'd still have faith that you
Are more than enough

God you're my joy
You are my wealth
You're my desire
You're all I need
Lord you're my guide
My very life
I will love you without end
You're all I need

God you're my all
On you I call
You lift me up
You're all I need
Lord I will praise
Your precious name
I will love you without end
You're all I need

I pray that if I ever end up like Job, I'll still be able to say this.

The kidlets are sound asleep now. They must have been tired, because they slept after only about 10 minutes. A new world record! The kidlets on:

The new babysitter: "Are you going to tell Casey when she comes that Penelope (dog) is small?" (said in a extremely serious tone)

Soup: "I love every kind of soup except the other kinds of soup."

Bedtime: "One time daddy said that we could skip bed, and we never did so I want to skip bed this time."

Bathroom: "This is hard work!"

Baths: "Warm, deep baths are so lovely."

Eating veggies before eating pizza: "My tummy is too full for veggies but not too full for pizza."

Not being able to go to school due to sickness: "This is really hard for me!" (said while wailing)

The Halloween decorations that Grammy and Grampy sent: "I love these decorations. We should send some back to Grammy and Grampy so they can have some too."

Nap time on a cloudless summer afternoon: "I can't sleep because I just saw lightning."

What to do on their day off: "We should go on a boat to the Statue of Liverty!"

Taking laundry from the washer to the dryer: "I can't make this sheet come out of the washer even though I pulled so hardly!"

Oh yes, gotta love kidletisms. I'm sure there will be more to come! Peace

A Portrait of My God: Comforter

Sometimes things happen that just make us hurt inside. Sometimes we have physical pain. It's never going to stop until we're in Heaven, but God's promises are going to last and be shown to us. God is our comforter, and we can trust His promises and rest in His love.

He has it all planned out to work for His glory and our good. Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord. Plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope."

He promises rest. Matthew 11:28 "Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest."

He promises peace. John 14:27 "Peace I leave with you. My peace I give to you. Not as world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid."

He promises to give us what we need. Philippians 4:19 "And my God will supply every need of yours according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus."

He promises strength. Isaiah 40:29+31 "He gives power to the faint, and to him who has no might He increases strength...but they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength. They shall mount up with wings like eagles. They shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint."

He promises joy. Psalm 16:11 "You make known to me the path of life, if your presence there is fulness of joy, at your right hand there are pleasures forever more."

These are just a few of His promises. No matter what comes along in our lives, God will be our comfort and strength and give us what we need to continue serving Him.

I come before your throne of grace
And you are please to receive me
Burdens so great I cannot stand
You bid me rest

You wrap me in your sweet embrace
As I begin to praise your name
Lord in my greatest need you're there
My comforter

Jesus you take my load
And make it your own
Hold me and make me
At peace
Father here in your arms
I find true joy even in pain
By your sweet grace
My comforter

You pour your blessings out on me
I am renewed and given strength
You lead me beside still waters
My souls's restored

You've promised not to leave my side
Even in storms and darkest nights
You promise peace and lasting joy
My comforter

Sunday, October 23, 2011

A Portrait of My God: Creator

I recently took the kids to the park on a gorgeous Thursday afternoon so that they could throw around their frisbees. I played with them for about an hour, and then I sat down on the grass to relax. The sky was blue with only a few lazy clouds, the air was crisp and cool, and the leaves in the park were just beginning to change color. A perfect fall day. And I couldn't help but think of all the awesome things that God created for me to enjoy on that day. (awesome- inspiring awe, characterized by awe) I began to think of all the things that He made that I'll probably never see. Stars too many to count in massive galaxies that we'll never be able to see, snow flakes that are so different from one another that no two are the same, the deepest part of the ocean that holds creatures that no one will discover, the simple beauty of a clear blue sky, thunder and lightning, anything from a gentle breeze to a hurricane, how a baby grows in the womb and is born a tiny tiny human, and many more wonderful things that God has created.

I love reading Genesis 1 where creation is described. God just spoke it into being and called it good. He gave us a great blessing when He gave us His creation. And we're part of that creation, too. Just think of the complexities of our bodies. The bazillions of cells and how our bodies repair themselves, things like hair and our vision and so many more amazing aspects. No, those DEFINITELY could not have been created by a big bang and slowly evolved. No sir. God made a creation that we can hardly begin to understand. But it sure is beautiful.

From the unknown ocean depths
To the galaxies unseen
In a tiny baby's eyes
And a strong and towering tree

In the beauty of a rose
The uncertainty of breath
In every sunrise, sunset
Lord we see your awesomeness

You are the Creator
The Sustainer of life
You make the seasons change
And the moon to rise at night
I look around me
And I see all you have made
You delight to give us beauty
In all that you create

As the sun comes through the trees
And the gentle breezes blow
In the clouds that change and fade
And the tiny flowers that grow

In each flake of gentle snow
Where no two can be the same
For the beauty, splendor
Lord we praise your mighty name

You are the Creator
The Sustainer of life
You make the seasons change
And the moon to rise at night
I look around me
And I see all you have made
You delight to give us beauty
In all that you create

A Portrait of My God: Unchanging

What if we had a God that changed? A God who's moods were different, and who changed his mind or his characteristics? I'm happy (so happy) to say that my God NEVER changes. He always was and always will be the same. Perfect, holy, loving, true, righteous, powerful, and the list goes on and on. The world and the people in it continue to change, but God never does. Things happen in our lives that make us rejoice or cry. We fail, we love, we grow, we begin to think differently, we change certain behaviors, etc. God doesn't do that. He's always the same.

Ages come and fade
Kingdoms rise and fall
Seasons change
But Jesus is always the same

Seas have storms then calm
Flowers bloom and die
Time is fleeing fast
But Jesus is the same through all of time

So holy, so righteous
So powerful and true
So wonderful
In all you do
I offer up my praises
To one who never changes
For all the ages, Lord,
You are the same

Blessings fall on me
And I walk through fire
I grow weak
But Jesus is always the same

Heartaches come and go
Though I question why
I can rest on this
That Jesus is the same through all of time

My healer, my portion
My comforter and Friend
Your promises
Are always true
I offer up my praises
To one who never changes
For all the ages, Lord,
You are the same

My shepherd, my leader
My Rock and hiding place
You love me still
No matter what I do
I offer up my praises
To one who never changes
For all the ages, Lord,
You are the same

Friday, September 23, 2011

A Portrait of My God: Loving

I love the hymn "The Love of God" and especially the lines "could we with ink the oceans fill, and were the skies of parchment made. Were every stalk on earth a quill, and every man a scribe by trade. To write the love of God above would drain the oceans dry. Nor could a scroll contain the whole though stretched from sky to sky." And it's so true. There is no way to really explain the love of God.

Some things that amaze me about God's love is that He still sees me, hears my prayers, and is with me. And that He died for me. That He chooses to consider me a treasure even after all that I've done. All that He is and does shows His love for His children.

You spoke and there was light
Sunshines and oceans and rain
Your voice has calmed the seas
Healed the blind, made the lame rise

Who am I that I should hear
You speak to me gentle and kind
Calling me yours, saying I'm free
Your Word shows me your love

You saw the broken and weak
Calling and begging to you
You reached out with your hands
Gave hope and strength and saved their souls

Who am I that you should see
All I have done and still love me
Calling me yours, saying I'm free
Your Word shows me your love

You walked among the lost
Finding the sinners and poor
Making them new and loved
Gave of your wealth, you gave of your life

Who am I that you should die
For one who cursed your precious name
Calling me yours, saying I'm free
The nails show me your love

Your life shows me your love

Monday, September 19, 2011

A Portrait of My God: Forgiving

So, I decided to write a collection of poems/songs that paint a portrait of God and His attributes.
The first one is that He is forgiving.

1 John 1:9 "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."

Ephesians 1:7 "In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of His grace."

Colossians 2:6 "Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him."

From my knees I look up
Into your face, my King of Grace
Humbled and broken by my sin
I long for joy within

All my life I have searched
For truth and peace, Lord to be free
Now as I'm kneeling at your feet
I ask you to make me clean

I hear you say, "Lift up you face.
You are forgiven my child"
The blood you shed upon the cross
Covers this sinner so vile
Here at your throne, standing alone
I find your mercy is free
I shout your name and gratefully say
You pardoned me

I am new, praise your name
Nor more in chains, no more to blame
For you have taken all my guilt
And made it all your own

I'm a light to the lost
Shining brightly in the darkness
Telling sinners of your great love
And how they can find rest

I hear you say,"Walk in my way
Faithfully serving your Lord.
For you I died upon the cross
Now in my love you're adorned."
Here at your throne, standing alone
I give my life to my King
I should your name and gratefully say
You pardoned me

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


It's been almost 2 months since I moved to New York, and I have to say that I love it. I love everything about my job. I love that I get to play with precious kids (who, yes, are still kids and sometimes naughty) and be a kid myself again. I love cleaning this big old house and making it neat and tidy. I love the diversity of the city. There are so many different languages that can be heard as you walk down the crowded streets, there are as many skin colors and clothing styles as you can think of, there is beautiful architecture, and there is an endless supply of things to do. You could live here all of your life and never even scratch the surface when it comes to activities, restaurants, shops, etc. And that makes life here never dull.

I was able to fly to South Carolina for the Labor Day weekend to see Sara June and Nathaniel and some other friends. Here's the story:

I decided that it had been too long since I had seen SJ+N, so I bought a plane ticket to Greenville and rented a car. I left my house at 11pm on Friday night and arrived at Newark Airport at about 1am. The airport was pretty much empty, so snuggled under my ever present pink blanket (that has been around the world with me) and attempted to get a good night sleep. It didn't work so well. A combination of the hard ground, announcements every 10 minutes, bright lights, and an air conditioning vent that was directly above me and pumped out cold air all night, made for a restless sleep. I probably got about 4 hours of broken sleep. The flight was short, and I promptly passed out after I got to my seat. I woke up when we touched down. I had butterflies in my stomach as time dragged slowly while I waited in line to get off of the plane and pick up my rental car. I drove to Sara June's salon and arrived about about noon. She was extremely busy, so one of the girls asked SJ to come downstairs when she had a minute. Poor unsuspecting SJ came down to see why she was needed, and I popped up from behind the counter and said "Surprise!" The look on her face was priceless as she asked "What are you doing here?" Then, she burst into tears and hugged me for a long time. Let's just say the surprise worked and it was stellar. :D

After she got off work, we picked up pizza for dinner and went back to her apartment. Her husband opened the door, and when I walked in he said "Oh, hey, Anna." As if nothing was new. We had a good laugh. During the trip I was able to see some of my former professors and friends from college. It sure was strange going back on campus. SJ, N, and I had a great time hanging out, visiting their awesome church, going to Yogurt Mountain, shopping, and playing board games (I lost...every time.) It was a relaxing, exciting, awesome trip, and I had to leave waaaay too soon. At least I'll get to see them at Christmas!!

Now I'm back in NY after an uneventful early morning flight on which I slept the entire time. It's a dreary, rainy day that screams fall, but I'm thankful for a warm, dry house. I'm glad to be back with family2, but I sure do miss family1.

God has blessed me soooo much with a great job, an awesome family2, and beautiful, exciting city, and His love.

I was walking back in the rain feeling a bit waterlogged, and I thought about how I don't care for the rain unless I can be indoors. Then I wrote this poem as I walked.

This is the day
That my Father created
The sunshine and rain
The love and the tears

This is a day
Where God walks beside me
Through victories and heartaches
Through peace and through fears

I will adore Him
Lift up my praises
For He has blessed me
With every breath
I'll rest in His comfort
And joy in his care
And know with this day
I've been blessed

This is the day
That my Lord has created
So I may serve Him
And tell all the lost

Of His great grace
And life everlasting
And how they can know Him
And love Him today

I will adore Him
Lift up my praises
For He has blessed me
With every breath
I'll rest in His comfort
And joy in his care
And know with this day
I've been blessed

Thursday, July 21, 2011

A Not So Strange Land

Hello from The Big Apple. Yes, New York City is where I've landed after my two year stay in South Korea. Although my new job has nothing to do with what I studied at University nor with what I've been doing for the past two year, I couldn't be more excited about my new line of work.

I'm a nanny!

My job is to take care of two beautiful, intelligent, independent, and strong willed boys who have quickly stolen my hugs, my kisses, and my heart. We've had a few rough moments already, and the transition from the previous nanny (who was awesome) to me will take some time, but I'm learning and they're learning. I have confidence that things will fall into place. Now if I can just get past their "testing" stage. :)

It's July 21, and the summer has flown by at the speed of light. Ok, not quite that quickly, but you get the idea. After spending two very sunburned weeks on Victoria Island with my sister and brother-in-law, I was able to go on a road trip with my sister to the Oregon coast and to Idaho. A-mazing! Decked out in our newly tie dyed shirts, sunglasses, and cameras, we took the coastal highway from Astoria to Florence. The highway hugged the coastline and provided gorgeous views of the Pacific Ocean. We stopped in the adorable town of Seaside where we ate at the Pig N' Pancake (which I highly recommend), drank malts, and successfully built a bonfire on the beach in the rain. Between Seaside and our next stop, Lincoln City, we stopped at the Tillamook Cheese Factory for some stellar ice cream and squeaky cheese curds. From the observation window we were able to watch the workers, who looked like little hamsters, cut and package the cheese. We then spent the night in Lincoln City where we watched the Canucks lose the Stanley Cup. Now, I don't like hockey, but I supported Esther by painting my nails with team colors, wearing team colors, and helping her scrub (and I mean scrub) the car paint off the windows after the Canucks lost. After a bonfire (minus the rain), we slept and headed to Florence. We were able to stop at Heceta Head Lighthouse where we met up with Holly, a good friend of mine. We climbed the dunes in Florence and walked on the beach. Holly let us stay at her house on Triangle Lake, and we built yet another bonfire, ate hot dogs, and roasted marshmallows. Esther bravely made the 9 hour drive to Boise, Idaho where we attended my cousin's wedding. It was a beautiful wedding! I was able to see family that I hadn't seen in years, and we had a grand time. After leaving Idaho, we drove to Bend, Oregon and stayed with my grandparents. They treated us with a trip to Crater Lake. Alas...the trip had to end. But it ended at my parents house with home videos, and we laughed until we hurt. Was I really like that when I was little?

After the awesomeness of the road trip, I was able to spend time with ma mere et mon pere. I got to paint pottery with my mom, go shopping, walk on the beach with them, watch more home videos (yes, the videos prove it...) I was also blessed with a 24 hour flu bug...maybe blessed isn't the right word. It was also great to see my church family again along with my babies who are growing up MUCH too quickly! There was never a dull moment during my summer. David and Allie came to visit, and we saw my other grandparents, watched even more home videos, and went to some of our old hangouts. We headed up to Kelowna to see our cousin, her husband, and her a-dorable baby boy. After having lunch with them, we headed up to Salmon Arm to see our Uncle Paul and Auntie Karen and our cousins and second cousins. It was there that I did something for the very first time...camping! I actually set up a tent in the woods...ok, well, in a campground...and sat by a fire and went boating. I also got dragged behind the boat while holding on for dear life to a tube as I flew in the air and slammed into waves. 4 times. The sky was clear and blue and it was sweltering until the second day after lunch. That's when the rain came. And didn't stop. And rained us out. And I moved out of my one-person-barely-long-enough-for-a-mouse-dog-house-style tent into the 8 person mansion that David and Allie shared. And the rain continued. In the morning we took down soggy tents, packed up clothes that smelled of camp fire, and drove home through the windy mountain roads. The day after we got home, we went to a barbecue where I met even more extended family. This trip was all about family. :)

After all the excitement of road trips and camping and barbecues and tiny tents died down, I repacked my suitcases, got on a plane (well, there was a little more to it than that), and flew to New York.

I decided to stay in a hostel in Manhattan for a night so I could explore and run some errands. Mail my health insurance papers: check. Set up a bank account: check. Stand in line at the DMV for 2.5 hours only to have them tell me that my license wasn't at least 6 months old because I had just renewed it last month and so they had to turn me away: check. 2 out of 3 isn't bad...

I walked...and walked...and walked...and um, walked. And while walking a realized something: I heart NY. There is never a shortage of things to see or do. I love hearing all of the different languages being spoken, I love seeing all the beautiful architecture, I love the new smells and sounds, I love the tall buildings and the taxi cabs, I love all the different neighborhoods, I don't love the heat, and I love my new job.

Back to that. The boys are 3 and 5, cute as buttons, very smart, and all boy. We all live in a 4 story home (my room is at the top of the 51 steps) with a lot of character and charm. I think that the more places that I live, the more quickly I adapt and get settled. Life hasn't fallen into any routine yet, but in time it will. I couldn't ask for better employers, and I'll never know why I've been so blessed.

The house is on a quiet, tree lined street and is within walking distance from the schools which the boys will attend in the fall. There are quaint little shops, and it's a rather quiet area of town. One thing I noticed about this area is that there are a lot of dogs and a lot of kids. There is a huge park up the street and it has a zoo and several playgrounds. The beaches of Coney Island are only a short subway ride away, and Manhattan is also close by. Let's just say we'll never run out of things to do.

So far I've been able to see the Statue of Liberty (or Liverty, as Milo calls it) and Ellis Island, the Brooklyn Bridge, the Wall Street Area, China Town, Little Italy, Soho, TriBeCa, Ground Zero, Columbus Circle, some places around 34th St., and Coney Island. Everyday I fall more in love with my new home.

David and Allie decided to come up and visit me and are now staying with us. We've had a blast hanging out.

I'm so excited for this opportunity that I've been given. I've been way too blessed with this new job, and I can't wait to see what the future holds!


Friday, March 4, 2011

Weekend Guest

Loosely based off a passage I read in my Bible last night.

1. The way that I once was
Is not who I am now
For sin is dead to me
And I am raised with Christ

The old has been shed off
The new has been put on
And sin has no more place
The guilt and shame is gone

Because of love
I am changed, made new
Because of mercy
What my Lord went through
When He died for me
And took my blame
Oh what freedom, what wonder
Because of grace

2. I seek the things above
And not the things of earth
I am not more a slave
I am of noble birth

I serve the King of Kings
My life is hid in Him
I am His chosen one
And I give thanks and sing

Because of love
I am changed, made new
Because of mercy
What my Lord went through
When He died for me
And took my blame
Oh what freedom, what wonder
Because of grace

3. And soon He will appear
The one who is my life
Who is my all in all
And on that day I'll rise

To take my final rest
With one who loved enough
To take this sinful child
And call me His beloved

This weekend I'm having company stay at my house! I would be excited, only this is not the type of company that most people want. It comes in the form of tissues, cold medicine, cough drops, soup, and my most comfortable hoodie. Yes, I have a cold. My best bet is that over half of the teachers are sick with numerous students thrown in for good measure. It was inevitable. I popped into the pharmacy today, pointed to my throat and nose, gave him a good cough, and was handed a familiar looking box of cold medicine. Oh well, such is life. At least my house will get sparkling clean.

Is it really March 5 tomorrow? Time is whizzing by like a...real fast thing. Soon it'll be April and then Spring Break and then May and then June and after June it's adios Korea and hello North America. I'll miss Asia. I'll miss the people and how they have no personal space. I'll miss the markets and all night shopping. Don't tell anyone I said this, but I'll even miss standing in the metro body to body literally with no room to move. I'll miss crazy old men yelling at me and old ladies pushing past me to get onto the metro. I'll miss kimchi and rice and seaweed triangle. I'll miss (this really is lovely sometimes) not being able to understand what is being said around me. I'll miss the random clothes, shoes, and accessories. I'll miss cheap shopping and cheap taxis. I'll miss feeling safe walking the streets late at night. I'll miss the bridge over the river and the first grade children talking on their cell phones while walking home alone at 10pm. I'll miss shabu shabu...greatly. I'll miss random kids shouting HI because that's the only word that they know. But I know that as much as I miss it, I'll love the next place just as much. I'm so excited to see where God directs my steps and how He uses me.

If in God's will, where can I go that the peace of God will not envelop me? Where the strength of God will not empower me? Where is the place where God's grace is not bountiful and His love not unconditional? Is there a place where the devil has control over God? Find me a place where God cannot see me, help me, comfort me, or rescue me from any type of evil. Find a place where God is not, and I will not to go to that place to reach the lost. Impossible. Is it even necessary to say that God is with me wherever I go?


Sunday, February 27, 2011

February Recap

February came and went in a whirlwind of activities. Please don't mind the hodgepodge of different memories...

Asian's are masters of the rice cooker. It should be called "the multi-purpose heated bowl of wonder." Besides cooking rice, you can:

Boil eggs
Cook meat
Make pasta
Make pancakes
Bake bread
Some beauty parlors use it to warm damp towels (others use crock pots)
Steam potatoes or any veggie
Use it as a soup heater
make scrambled eggs
and may other uses....

My 5th grade class was learning about China in order to present the country for international day. We learned songs in Chinese, brought different items from China, made crafts, posters, and colored flags. I was able to take my students to China town. China town is...very small. It takes a little over an hour by metro to travel there. We walked around, ate Chinese black bean noodles (a favorite!), and looked at the plethora of toys and other items. China town is located about 10 minutes by bus from an island, and we took a bus to the waterfront where we walked around the still melting piles of snow. We watched the ferries come and go, played the half-broken and deserted arcade games, and found a small amusement park with a few brave souls that had ventured out into the cold. My kids bought some toys and trinkets, and we made it back just in time for the end of school. It was quite an enjoyable field trip. International Day went well. No melt-downs on my part, though it was a bit stressful.

We celebrated Lunar New Year by taking a short break from school. A few of us went to Spavis. Spavis is a "spa" which is about 2 hours by metro from where we live. It's not a typical American style spa. There are rooms with heated floors and wooden blocks for pillows for resting, dry saunas, and pools of various sizes, temperatures, colors, and scents. There is an indoor and outdoor area with kiddie pools, playgrounds in the water, slides, private hot tub shacks, jets, waterfalls, and beach chairs. It's interesting because you swim outdoors while there is snow on the ground. They have karaoke contests, and lazy river, and places for massages. There are also doctor fish which are large pools full of goldfish size fish which surround your body by the hundreds (literally) and eat the dead skin off your body. It tickles like mad! When you enter the spa you get a plastic bracelet with a number. This bracelet unlocks your locker, pays for life jackets or inner tubes, pays for food or anything you buy. It's like a credit card on your wrist. When you leave, you pay the balance. Quite a good system. The rest of my vacation was spent resting and playing. :)

I was cooking and went to crack an egg. SOMEHOW I missed the bowl and the egg flew out of my hand landing in my....shoe.

I decided to paint my nails one night. The only problem is that it was already 2am...and then I had to wait for them to dry. I suppose that common sense goes out the window at 2am.

Teaching is going well as usual. I'm really enjoying my class this year. I've graduated from 5 students to 8. I don't remember if I said it before, but we got another girl! My one girl was overjoyed (but, of course, couldn't visibly show it) and I was happy because I had been praying for another girl. The boys groaned, but I just laughed. I've been learning right along with my students the importance of being kind, putting others first, loving people even if they don't show love to you, spending time in God's word, and just desiring God in general. We all have a long way to go, but I've seen them take big steps.

The kids were sitting in the reading corner doing a worksheet together, and one boy touched another boy's book. The reaction? "Just in case you didn't know the rule, you're not supposed to encroach on other people's property." I couldn't not laugh.

I read a quote by C.S. Lewis which reads "The safest road to hell is the gradual one. The gentle slop, soft underfoot, without sudden turning, without milestones, without signposts." Sometimes it's easy to fall into the routine of life and get comfortable with your spiritual state and just set cruise control. Spending time with God becomes less exciting and Bible reading is checked off the list of things to do for the day. There aren't any real trials or convictions of the heart, and reaching the lost seems distant. The Sunday service is good, but not applied throughout the week. Who wants to admit this? Certainly not me. Who falls into this? Definitely me. I know that if I'm not constantly in the word, fighting the devil's attacks, talking with my God, and making it a point to give my days, thoughts, actions, and words to God, I can fall into this gradual, gentle slope of life. It's comfortable, but it's not real or right. What is real is loving God and showing Him that love. I need constant reality checks about how many people are dying and going to hell every day without knowing that Jesus could have saved them from death. Constant reminders about how awesome and amazing God is and what He's done for me, His promises, and how He wants me to love Him. Maybe that's not quite what this quote is talking about, but for me, this is part of the message. God needs all that I am, and I should WANT to give it to Him out of passionate love for the One who died a horrible death for me to save me. I spit in His face, denied Him, and He still died. I don't want comfortable, I want real.

I heard a pastor say in a sermon "For a believer, this is the worst it will get. For an unbeliever, this is the best it will get." So many people don't know Jesus. I pray it breaks our hearts.

People who are close to me have been going through some trying times. I've seen them grow closer to God through it. Things that go "wrong" in our lives really aren't wrong if you think about it. Sure, it might not be what we want, but it's not wrong if it fits into God's will. I think of Joseph. He was treated rather unfairly by most people's standards, and He had a hard road. But in the end, God made it known that evil was meant against Joseph, but God meant it for good. He had a specific plan, right down to the last detail, that He carried out in His time and for His glory. (Genesis 50:20) So, people rejecting God, dying, money being lost, a broken home, anything. Some might be results of sin, but God always has a plan that He works out for His glory and for the good of His children. (Romans 8:28)

I love the passage Ephesians 1:3-14. I went through the passage in my Bible and highlighted all the things God has done for us. Blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing, chose us in Him, predestined us in love, adopted us, redeemed us with His blood, forgave our trespasses, sent Christ, united us in Him, gave us an inheritance, and sealed us with the Holy Spirit. And I'm sure He did this because He realized how amazing we were and how much we loved Him. UNTRUE. He did this: according to the purpose of His will, to the praise of His glorious grace, according to the riches of His grace, in all wisdom and insight, according to His purpose, as a plan for the fulness of time, according to the purpose of Him who works all things according to the counsel of His will, and to the praise of His glory. God didn't do all these things because we were lovely or good. We're quite the opposite. He did this so that we might see how wonderful He is and turn right around and praise Him. He did this so that He might receive the glory. He did this because it fit with His will. God didn't need to love us, but He chose to. He doesn't need any of our works, but He desires them. God needs us to be humble and therefore exalt Him. God needs us to love others and in that show love to Him. God needs us to praise Him and give Him all the glory for everything in our lives. We're worthless, but God is worth more than words can say. His love to us should be worth that much as well. It is a thing of unmeasurable beauty and grace completely undeserved.

God is the only thing we need, right? If that is so, He should be able to give and take as He pleases, right? He should be able to take our money, health, time, loved ones, plans, possessions, and anything else, right? And He should be able to do all of this without us complaining, whining, worrying, becoming angry, grumbling, getting frustrated or being anxious, right? Yes. If God is truly all that we need, life should pass with us placing our complete trust in God that He will supply all that we need and that His will is perfect.

"But I do not account my life of any value nor as precious to myself, if only I may finish my course and the ministry that I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the gospel of the grace of God." Acts 20:24

This is one of my favorite verses. I want to own this verse and believe it with all my heart. My life is worthless unless I place it in God's hands to do with it what He pleases. Unless I abandon all else and follow solely after God with my purpose being to tell others about what He's done and in doing so to glorify Him.


Monday, January 24, 2011

No Greater Love

I do not desire applause of men
Or fame or that my name be known
But my greatest prayer is that the Lord's
Amazing love is always shown

I'm brought low in humbleness
And Jesus Christ is raised
I will shine His light to all
So that his name is praised

I have nothing good that I can boast
But I boast in Jesus' blood
I boast in the cross on which he died
For my sins and for the world

I am free, a treasured child
Through his perfect grace
Mercy undeserved I know
Jesus took my place

Though I may be laughed at, mocked, and scorned
I'm not ashamed of Jesus Christ
I will do the things He asks of me
Even if for Him I die

For the world is dead to me
Once it had my love
Now I serve the greatest King
My heart belongs to God

One day I will stand before His throne
Laying down the crowns I won
When I've breathed my last I'll join him there
My time on earth will soon be done

Glory waits where I will see
My name written down
Written in His precious blood
No greater love was shown

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Bye, Bye Baby Love

Well, my sweet baby puppy Pete went a the land of infinite kibbles today. Pete was 10.5 and was having neurological problems/heart mummur/arthritis/gum was time for my baby to go. I will miss him a lot. My wittle snuggly bunny. Sleepy snuggly love bucket. I really miss you, baby.
In other news. Today during church it snowed and so we'll have a late start to school tomorrow. That's fun! I can sleep in a bit and get a bit more done at school as report cards are coming up soon.

We took the upper elementary on a field trip to the outdoor skating rink at City Hall. It took us from 9am-3pm to get there, skate for an hour and a half, get lunch at McDonalds, and get back. 31 students, 3 teachers, but no broken bones, cut off fingers, or any other ailments. The kids loved it, and so did the teachers. ;)

Yesterday, a bunch of the teachers and others from church got together and went iceskating at City Hall. The rink was PACKED, but it was a blast. We arrived at 3:30ish, but because there were so many people, we had to wait from until 5:30, so we went to a coffee shop to wait in its warmth. Smart. After we got all rosy cheeked from skating in the f-r-i-g-i-d air, we went to Pastor's house and had pizza and chicken and talked and laughed until quite late (for a church night!) It was really awesome to be able to spend time with good friends with God honoring conversation and have some fun.

My students are memorizing the countries and capitals of South America, and one new girl with lower English kept saying "when is Gramma." I couldn't figure out what she was talking about until she came up to my desk with a paper. On the paper was written VENEZUELA. Ahhhhh!! When is Gramma=Venezuela. Teaching in Asia is never dull.

Each week a different student leads the morning pledge to the Christian flag and to the Bible. A couple weeks ago it was a new student's turn. The students hold the flag and Bible and instruct the other students to stand up, salute, and pledge. This student said, "Stand, salute, play." Even I had a hard time containing my laughter (but did so for the good of the students.)

My future plans are flying a little high up in the air right now, and I'm enjoying flying along. It's such a...relief that I'm not getting worried or fearful. I know that comes from God working in my heart. It's His plan, not mine. It'll work out. I just want to serve Him and see people know Him and have their lives made new.

As per usual, I wrote poems. Here they are!

1.Trusting His unchanging love
We walk by faith and not by sight
Led by Jesus' faithful love
On our journey to eternal life

Following our faithful guide
Through the dark or through the light
Come what may we still will hide
In the shelter of His love

With our sword, the Word of God
Sharp and ready for the foe
Clad in righteous armor strong
Onward in His victory go

As we walk and spread the word
Of salvation free and true
Never cease to shout his name
Till each life has been made new

We won't rest until He calls
Us to sit at His dear feet
There we'll sing oh holy Lord
Praise Him for eternity

2. I hold the things of earth and know
That they're not mine to call my own
For treasures die and fade away
I'm waiting that perfect place

There no more tears will ever fall
And no more death there we will know
But perfect we'll forever be
We'll praise the King around His throne

This body longs for no more pain
To follow sin never again
And there in glory we will see
In Heaven no sin can ever be

In Heaven the sun will never shine
For Jesus Christ will be the light
We'll worship God so perfectly
There when our faith becomes our sight

Forever we will live in love
And praise the Lamb around His throne
And death will be forever dead
Eternal life we'll know alone

3. If I should follow you
I must give it all away
All the things that pull me back
To the world

If I should follow you
I must say my last goodbye
To the ones I love the most
Only you

Only you can satisfy
Lord you're more precious than my life
And you've called me to a dying world
I will go and spread your love

If I should follow you
I must face temptation strong
I must fight against the wrong
For the truth

If I should follow you
I should follow you to death
I must praise you with each breath
All I am

Only you can satisfy
Lord you're more precious than my life
And you've called me to a dying world
I will go and spread your love
I will follow

4. What good have I
That you'd see past my sin
To a heart that needs your grace
Though undeserved

I am so weak
But Lord your are my strength
And you gave it all for me
You set me free

So I will thank you, Lord
And I will trust your Word
I'm no longer what I used to be
For I've been made brand new
I'm a child of a holy King
I've been bought into a home of grace
And this vile imperfect sinner
Will praise you

What hope had I
I had wandered away
Down a path leading to sin
But in your grace

You took this lamb
And brought me to your fold
And in love you rescued me
From certain death

So I will thank you, Lord
And I will trust your Word
I'm no longer what I used to be
For I've been made brand new
I'm a child of a holy King
I've been bought into a home of grace
And this vile imperfect sinner
Will praise you

Because your steadfast love is better than life, my lips will praise you.
So I will bless you as long as I live. In your name I will lift up my hands.
Psalm 63:3-4


Friday, January 21, 2011

No Sweeter Name

This gift is mine not of myself

For I am worthless on my own

Grace undeserved I have received

And mercy sweet I have been shown

The greatest love has bought my soul

Though I should be condemned to die

So I might sing the freedom song

My Jesus bought me with His life

Sing, sing His praise forever

Glorify his awesome name

Because of God my only Savior

My sinful life is truly changed

He chose me though I was in sin

A rebel, lost, I’d turned away

With open arms He washed me clean

And now I know no sweeter name

Than Jesus Christ, the one I need

For nothing else can satisfy

This world and sin is dead to me

And in my God I am alive

Sing, sing His praise forever

Glorify his awesome name

Because of God my only Savior

My sinful life is truly changed

Thursday, January 20, 2011

So In Love

It's ALMOST Friday. :) Hooray for Fridays! They win. This week has felt slightly longer than normal, but I haven't died yet.

I decided that my class will do China for international day. We went to work making paper lanterns, coloring flags, and researching information for our presentation. Today I decided to make a paper dragon. I found a site with a pretty stellar looking dragon face and attempted to copy it. I worked on it for about 20 minutes and proudly displayed it to my kids. As I held it up, one boy raised his hand and asked:

"Is that a cow?"

"No, it's a horse." Replied one girl.

They stared at it.

"Oh! It's a dragon!" One boy made me very happy. I breathed a sigh of relief. At least it was slightly recognizable. I was later informed that the only reason he guessed it was because we're working on China things. sort of does look like a cow with fangs eating grass with turkey feet coming out of its head. Sort of.

We were reviewing for a Science test, and the teams had to work together to say the correct answer. If they got the answer right, they got a chance to throw a ball into a basket for team points. Whoever answered the question was the thrower. One boy was particularly good at throwing, so the kids who knew the answer told it to him and told him to say it. Now, he's new and his English is surely but slowly improving. One boy whispered the answer: humidity. The new boy pointed at me and yelled: HUMILITY! Hmm....

Today I had to take the kids to Taekwondo and make sure they behaved. Now, I'm not a fan of blood or cuts or anything medical related, but today was a day of testing for me. I sit down as the kids begin doing TKD with the teacher, and one of the boys sitting near me says, "Ms. Janke! BLOOD!" I glance over and a cut on his leg is bleeding. I told him to stand up and go to the bathroom to clean it up, and as he did, the blood dripped onto the floor. Of course all the girls are screaming and the boys are laughing while I'm frantically searching for tissue trying to remain calm. I found tissue in the bathroom and came back into the room. All of a sudden I hear, "Ms. Janke NO!" I stopped dead in my tracks right next to a drop of blood. I barely missed it. After that fiasco was over and done, I was sitting peacefully while the children learned. Next thing I know, a bare toe is shoved in my face. "Ms. Janke, my toe exploded!" Pus was oozing from a blister. I attempted not to gag while I tried to figure out what was wrong with her toe. "It really hurts." She said. Yes, yes, I'm sure it does. We got it bandaged up and cleaned, and that was the end of my medical escapades today. And I didn't even faint. :)

Someone who is a humble servant is great in the eyes of God. I've been talking to my students about pride because we've had some pride issues in our class. I told the students that when you accomplish something such as an A+ on a test or straight A's or you win a music competition or make the honor roll or anything that is an accomplishment for you, it is so important to give the glory to God. If you are proud and take the glory for yourself, God is not being glorified and you already have your reward of people's eyes on you but you miss out in Heaven where it really counts. Being great isn't doing things to get people's attention or having money or power. Being great is being humble and serving others. In and of ourselves, we are nothing. If God's given you gifts and talents, use those to bless someone else. This is something that I often forget and fail to do, but I pray that I can become more humble and serve others everyday.

I've been thinking a lot about China lately and all the people there who don't know Christ. I flew over China on the way back to Korea and saw little villages nestled into the mountains. How many of those people have never left their village and have never heard someone tell them about Jesus? I'm sure so many. We need to tell tell tell until the whole world knows.

No wealth, no home, no love, no hope
The faces of the lost, alone
They search for peace, for joy, for shelter
And find just darkness

For they've never heard of a man named Jesus
Who can rescue them from all their pain
And give the life and hope of Heaven
The king who died so they might be saved

I've walked their roads, I've seen their lives
The walls they've built, no comfort there
I have the news and I must tell it
Till all have heard and know

That there's a man, our Savior Jesus
Who died for them, for all their sins
Who offers peace through grace and mercy
The King who died so they might be saved
I'll tell of Jesus till all the world has heard

A friend said to me today: "You know when you're so in love with someone that you just want to talk about them all the time? Well, I just want to talk about Jesus all the time." I've been thinking the same thing lately. I know what it's like to be in love, but this love with Jesus is so much better. He's been patient with this slow learner, but I know I've grown more like Him in these last few years. I never want to be satisfied with my spiritual state. I want to keep growing and falling more in love with Him.

I'm so excited for the future! Moving back to Canada for a short time, and then who knows where God will take me. I'm open to whatever He wants. I don't want it to be a matter of where I go for God, but rather how I serve Him where I am. I know He's faithful. It's not even a question. He'll show me where He needs me, and I just pray that I'm always willing to serve Him.


Sunday, January 16, 2011

Bless His Name

In this I boast that Jesus Christ
Became a perfect sacrifice
For all my sins he gave his life
That I might live

This is my joy that He, my God
Would see this one so vile and still
Would love with pure, unfailing love
And call me His

Oh bless His name, praise, praise our God
Bow at His feet in adoration
Sing to the Lord, the worthy One
Who is our hope and our salvation

The King of all, the Lord of Lords
I call my Father and my friend
Though I've no worth, He saw my need
And rescued me

He is my strength, my song, my peace
My comfort, and enough for me
If all I have is just my God
I have it all

Oh bless His name, praise, praise our God
Bow at His feet in adoration
Sing to the Lord, the worthy One
Who is our hope and our salvation

Saturday, January 15, 2011

God, Thank You


Thank you for every breath

For every heartbeat

For every mountain and valley

Through which you guide my feet

For the trials that you send

And the peace that comes with them

For love that I am shown

For family and for friends

Thank you for storms and for calm

For sunsets and for rain

For smiles and for tears

And for the happiness and pain

Thank you for your grace

For my freedom by your mercy

That you are quite enough

And everything I need

And thank you for your love

You love me though I sin

Thank you for forgiveness

And perfect peace within

Though it will take forever

Before my thanks will end

Thanks for being God

My Savior, Master, Friend

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

11:11 1/11/11

Have I ever mentioned that I love my job? God has been so good in
giving it to me. Oh, yes, there are the times when I want to strangle
myself, but there are more times when I want to tear up and when I'm
so joyful. Little ways that they grow and amaze me and how I can see
that God handpicked this position for me. I'm so thankful that I can freely speak of my awesome amazing God. It's a huge responsibility, though. I have these kids for 7+ hours a day and I have to constantly ask God for help so that I can be an example of Him to them the whole time, 5 days a week. I mess up...a lot...but God gives grace...a lot. More than a lot. Copious
amounts!! More than that actually...but you get the picture.

So, lately...oh yes, that part. The long awaited, much anticipated,
greatly desired Christmas break has come...and gone. That's right, big
schocker that time continues to move on. We're all bundled in our
coats, sweaters, scarves, tights, and leg warmers over here in frigid
Seoul. Snow and ice are piled up in every corner and on the streets,
and the clouds threaten to dump more. Several days of post-break
school have passed, and one of the first questions asked by the first
student to enter the class was "when is spring break?" I have to admit
that the question did cross my mind at one point when I was dealing
with the ever dreaded jet lag insomnia.

Christmas break was wonderful and relaxing! It started with an 8 day
trip to warm Taipei. The weather cooled down considerably over the course of the week, and that made Christmas day feel a bit more realistic. Christmas dinner consisted of rice (in Asia? You never would have though) lean beef, and ice cream. There was no snow, tree, or lights,
but there were presents and much laughter. I toured an...interesting...Science museum, explored using the free transportation system which is actually quite extensive (aka my feet), climbed a mountain in the pitch black of night, met many interesting people, rode a glass-floored gondola a million miles up in the air over the side of a mountain and thought I would die because it was blowing in the wind but lived to tell the tale, and got much needed rest. Christmas night I slept
for only 30 minutes in order to try to force my body to adapt to North
American time. It worked! The jet lag in America was minimal which is
unusual. Now I know how to work the jet lag system.

The wedding...simply scrumptious! A wedding fit for a queen. The
bride was radiant and happy, and all the hours of cutting, gluing,
tying, hanging, folding, lightning, draping, cleaning, sprucing, and
twirling paid off. The theme was snow flakes and a winter wonderland.
As the maid of honor (I was tickled pink that she asked me!) I was to
give a speech. Though I thought I would pass out or worse...I didn't
die! People enjoyed it, I didn't speak too fast, and I didn't tell my
life story (which sister is always cautioning me not to do.) the
atmosphere and food was wonderous.

Seeing family was probably the best part. Although too short, it was
worth the money, long trip, and loss of sleep. More than worth it!
Just getting to hug my parents and laughing for hours with my brother and
sisters. A-mazing!!! I wished time could slow waaaay down or stop, but God gives grace. Absence really really truly does make the heart grow fonder. That is the truth. I just keep reminding myself that in Heaven we'll be able to catch up and never have to stop catching up.

So my life is taking some curves. Next year, unless God changes my
course, I won't be in Seoul. Instead I'll be back in Canada preparing
to raise support to go to China. The more I dwell on this, the more
elated I become. I grew up in a valley, and I've seen towering snow
covered mountains. This task is bigger. Bigger than Everest. But
didn't my massively larger God say that even tiny faith can
move mountains? Yep. So, here I go, hand in hand with my ALL powerful
God. Yes, folks, He's UNSTOPABLE. Told it can't be done? Many times.
Reminded about how impossible it seems? That too. Cautioned that it
won't be easy? Oh yes. Reminded of God's amazing power, will, and
promises every time I open His word? Let me tell you that this trumps
all negative thoughts. I get butterflies just thinking about the final
product. Just thinking about going with God all the way without fear (well, maybe some) and fighting until the job is done. But whether or not this will
actually happen, my ultimate goal is to glorify God and to see Him
exalted, myself humbled, and souls saved. I'm prepared to fall...many
times. And I'm sure that I'll get angry, frustrated, lonely, worried,
but I know that each time I sin God will be there ready to forgive and
to remind me who he is. I'm very excited for the hard times to come because I know that they'll turn out amazing. If you can't open the lock, take the door off the hinges.
God was very good in 2010, and He will continue to be good in 2011. I'm happy that I can look back and see how He's added more pieces to the puzzle so I can see a bit more of the bigger picture. I'll keep those answered prayers and fulfilled promises in my heart so that I can remember them in the future and remind myself that He is always faithful. He will always be my strength, my real joy, my complete peace, my best friend, all I need and all I want.
I'm posting this at 11:11 on 1/11/11 just for fun.
A song I wrote recently.  I suppose it's not a song because it has no melody.
I have seen the mountains
Towering high
I have Felt the fire
Tasted the dark
I have heard the sin bound
Crying out
I have heard my Jesus
Bidding me follow him

To the places none will go
To the homes of poor and broken souls
Through the valley and the dark
Kept by his love, held by his hand
Somewhere far from all I know
In his footsteps I will surely go
This my only goal my greatest prize
To see Jesus glorified, to see souls saved from the fire

It will take sacrifice
My very life
Though I'll sin and stumble
He wil forgive
He'll give grace through it all
Helping me fight
I will continue on
Follow God all my life

Psalm 40:16+17

"But may all who seek you rejoice and be glad in you. May those who love your salvation say continually "Great is the Lord." As for me, I am poor and needy, but the Lord takes thought of me. You are my help and my deliverer, do not delay, oh my God!"

Psalm 37:23+24

"The steps of a man are established by the Lord when he delights in His way. Though he fall he shall not be cast headlong for the Lord upholds his hand."

2 Corinthians 4:16-18

"So we do not lose heart. Though our outer nature is wasting away, our inner nature is being renewed day by day. For this slight momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of flory beyond all comparison as we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal."
James 1:14
 "What good is it, my brothers, if someone says he has faith, but does not have works. Can that faith save him?" 
1 Peter 4:12-14
"Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery trial when it comes upon you to test you, as tough something strange were happening to you, but rejoice insofar as you share Christ's sufferings, that you may also rejoice and be glad when his glory is revealed.  If you are insulted for the name of Christ, you are blessed, because the Spirit of glory and of God rests upon you."
James 1:12
"Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love Him."
Revelation 22:4
"They will see His face, and His name will be on their foreheads."
There are just some verses that I have read and that have impacted me lately.  If I wrote all of them, however, it would take too long.  My students are almost finished memorizing Psalm 139, and I have been memorizing it with them.  I chose this Psalm because it is full of amazing verses of praise to God and truths about Him.  
It is time to retire.  Peace.