Well, my sweet baby puppy Pete went a the land of infinite kibbles today. Pete was 10.5 and was having neurological problems/heart mummur/arthritis/gum disease...it was time for my baby to go. I will miss him a lot. My wittle snuggly bunny. Sleepy snuggly love bucket. I really miss you, baby.

In other news. Today during church it snowed and so we'll have a late start to school tomorrow. That's fun! I can sleep in a bit and get a bit more done at school as report cards are coming up soon.
We took the upper elementary on a field trip to the outdoor skating rink at City Hall. It took us from 9am-3pm to get there, skate for an hour and a half, get lunch at McDonalds, and get back. 31 students, 3 teachers, but no broken bones, cut off fingers, or any other ailments. The kids loved it, and so did the teachers. ;)
Yesterday, a bunch of the teachers and others from church got together and went iceskating at City Hall. The rink was PACKED, but it was a blast. We arrived at 3:30ish, but because there were so many people, we had to wait from until 5:30, so we went to a coffee shop to wait in its warmth. Smart. After we got all rosy cheeked from skating in the f-r-i-g-i-d air, we went to Pastor's house and had pizza and chicken and talked and laughed until quite late (for a church night!) It was really awesome to be able to spend time with good friends with God honoring conversation and have some fun.
My students are memorizing the countries and capitals of South America, and one new girl with lower English kept saying "when is Gramma." I couldn't figure out what she was talking about until she came up to my desk with a paper. On the paper was written VENEZUELA. Ahhhhh!! When is Gramma=Venezuela. Teaching in Asia is never dull.
Each week a different student leads the morning pledge to the Christian flag and to the Bible. A couple weeks ago it was a new student's turn. The students hold the flag and Bible and instruct the other students to stand up, salute, and pledge. This student said, "Stand, salute, play." Even I had a hard time containing my laughter (but did so for the good of the students.)
My future plans are flying a little high up in the air right now, and I'm enjoying flying along. It's such a...relief that I'm not getting worried or fearful. I know that comes from God working in my heart. It's His plan, not mine. It'll work out. I just want to serve Him and see people know Him and have their lives made new.
As per usual, I wrote poems. Here they are!
1.Trusting His unchanging love
We walk by faith and not by sight
Led by Jesus' faithful love
On our journey to eternal life
Following our faithful guide
Through the dark or through the light
Come what may we still will hide
In the shelter of His love
With our sword, the Word of God
Sharp and ready for the foe
Clad in righteous armor strong
Onward in His victory go
As we walk and spread the word
Of salvation free and true
Never cease to shout his name
Till each life has been made new
We won't rest until He calls
Us to sit at His dear feet
There we'll sing oh holy Lord
Praise Him for eternity
2. I hold the things of earth and know
That they're not mine to call my own
For treasures die and fade away
I'm waiting that perfect place
There no more tears will ever fall
And no more death there we will know
But perfect we'll forever be
We'll praise the King around His throne
This body longs for no more pain
To follow sin never again
And there in glory we will see
In Heaven no sin can ever be
In Heaven the sun will never shine
For Jesus Christ will be the light
We'll worship God so perfectly
There when our faith becomes our sight
Forever we will live in love
And praise the Lamb around His throne
And death will be forever dead
Eternal life we'll know alone
3. If I should follow you
I must give it all away
All the things that pull me back
To the world
If I should follow you
I must say my last goodbye
To the ones I love the most
Only you
Only you can satisfy
Lord you're more precious than my life
And you've called me to a dying world
I will go and spread your love
If I should follow you
I must face temptation strong
I must fight against the wrong
For the truth
If I should follow you
I should follow you to death
I must praise you with each breath
All I am
Only you can satisfy
Lord you're more precious than my life
And you've called me to a dying world
I will go and spread your love
I will follow
4. What good have I
That you'd see past my sin
To a heart that needs your grace
Though undeserved
I am so weak
But Lord your are my strength
And you gave it all for me
You set me free
So I will thank you, Lord
And I will trust your Word
I'm no longer what I used to be
For I've been made brand new
I'm a child of a holy King
I've been bought into a home of grace
And this vile imperfect sinner
Will praise you
What hope had I
I had wandered away
Down a path leading to sin
But in your grace
You took this lamb
And brought me to your fold
And in love you rescued me
From certain death
So I will thank you, Lord
And I will trust your Word
I'm no longer what I used to be
For I've been made brand new
I'm a child of a holy King
I've been bought into a home of grace
And this vile imperfect sinner
Will praise you
Because your steadfast love is better than life, my lips will praise you.
So I will bless you as long as I live. In your name I will lift up my hands.
Psalm 63:3-4
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