Thursday, January 20, 2011

So In Love

It's ALMOST Friday. :) Hooray for Fridays! They win. This week has felt slightly longer than normal, but I haven't died yet.

I decided that my class will do China for international day. We went to work making paper lanterns, coloring flags, and researching information for our presentation. Today I decided to make a paper dragon. I found a site with a pretty stellar looking dragon face and attempted to copy it. I worked on it for about 20 minutes and proudly displayed it to my kids. As I held it up, one boy raised his hand and asked:

"Is that a cow?"

"No, it's a horse." Replied one girl.

They stared at it.

"Oh! It's a dragon!" One boy made me very happy. I breathed a sigh of relief. At least it was slightly recognizable. I was later informed that the only reason he guessed it was because we're working on China things. sort of does look like a cow with fangs eating grass with turkey feet coming out of its head. Sort of.

We were reviewing for a Science test, and the teams had to work together to say the correct answer. If they got the answer right, they got a chance to throw a ball into a basket for team points. Whoever answered the question was the thrower. One boy was particularly good at throwing, so the kids who knew the answer told it to him and told him to say it. Now, he's new and his English is surely but slowly improving. One boy whispered the answer: humidity. The new boy pointed at me and yelled: HUMILITY! Hmm....

Today I had to take the kids to Taekwondo and make sure they behaved. Now, I'm not a fan of blood or cuts or anything medical related, but today was a day of testing for me. I sit down as the kids begin doing TKD with the teacher, and one of the boys sitting near me says, "Ms. Janke! BLOOD!" I glance over and a cut on his leg is bleeding. I told him to stand up and go to the bathroom to clean it up, and as he did, the blood dripped onto the floor. Of course all the girls are screaming and the boys are laughing while I'm frantically searching for tissue trying to remain calm. I found tissue in the bathroom and came back into the room. All of a sudden I hear, "Ms. Janke NO!" I stopped dead in my tracks right next to a drop of blood. I barely missed it. After that fiasco was over and done, I was sitting peacefully while the children learned. Next thing I know, a bare toe is shoved in my face. "Ms. Janke, my toe exploded!" Pus was oozing from a blister. I attempted not to gag while I tried to figure out what was wrong with her toe. "It really hurts." She said. Yes, yes, I'm sure it does. We got it bandaged up and cleaned, and that was the end of my medical escapades today. And I didn't even faint. :)

Someone who is a humble servant is great in the eyes of God. I've been talking to my students about pride because we've had some pride issues in our class. I told the students that when you accomplish something such as an A+ on a test or straight A's or you win a music competition or make the honor roll or anything that is an accomplishment for you, it is so important to give the glory to God. If you are proud and take the glory for yourself, God is not being glorified and you already have your reward of people's eyes on you but you miss out in Heaven where it really counts. Being great isn't doing things to get people's attention or having money or power. Being great is being humble and serving others. In and of ourselves, we are nothing. If God's given you gifts and talents, use those to bless someone else. This is something that I often forget and fail to do, but I pray that I can become more humble and serve others everyday.

I've been thinking a lot about China lately and all the people there who don't know Christ. I flew over China on the way back to Korea and saw little villages nestled into the mountains. How many of those people have never left their village and have never heard someone tell them about Jesus? I'm sure so many. We need to tell tell tell until the whole world knows.

No wealth, no home, no love, no hope
The faces of the lost, alone
They search for peace, for joy, for shelter
And find just darkness

For they've never heard of a man named Jesus
Who can rescue them from all their pain
And give the life and hope of Heaven
The king who died so they might be saved

I've walked their roads, I've seen their lives
The walls they've built, no comfort there
I have the news and I must tell it
Till all have heard and know

That there's a man, our Savior Jesus
Who died for them, for all their sins
Who offers peace through grace and mercy
The King who died so they might be saved
I'll tell of Jesus till all the world has heard

A friend said to me today: "You know when you're so in love with someone that you just want to talk about them all the time? Well, I just want to talk about Jesus all the time." I've been thinking the same thing lately. I know what it's like to be in love, but this love with Jesus is so much better. He's been patient with this slow learner, but I know I've grown more like Him in these last few years. I never want to be satisfied with my spiritual state. I want to keep growing and falling more in love with Him.

I'm so excited for the future! Moving back to Canada for a short time, and then who knows where God will take me. I'm open to whatever He wants. I don't want it to be a matter of where I go for God, but rather how I serve Him where I am. I know He's faithful. It's not even a question. He'll show me where He needs me, and I just pray that I'm always willing to serve Him.


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