Monday, January 24, 2011

No Greater Love

I do not desire applause of men
Or fame or that my name be known
But my greatest prayer is that the Lord's
Amazing love is always shown

I'm brought low in humbleness
And Jesus Christ is raised
I will shine His light to all
So that his name is praised

I have nothing good that I can boast
But I boast in Jesus' blood
I boast in the cross on which he died
For my sins and for the world

I am free, a treasured child
Through his perfect grace
Mercy undeserved I know
Jesus took my place

Though I may be laughed at, mocked, and scorned
I'm not ashamed of Jesus Christ
I will do the things He asks of me
Even if for Him I die

For the world is dead to me
Once it had my love
Now I serve the greatest King
My heart belongs to God

One day I will stand before His throne
Laying down the crowns I won
When I've breathed my last I'll join him there
My time on earth will soon be done

Glory waits where I will see
My name written down
Written in His precious blood
No greater love was shown

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