Tuesday, October 25, 2011

I'm Back in the Blogging Spirit...

It's fall again. This year, I'm in a different place yet again. For being a large, crowded city, there are quite a few trees in NYC. And Central Park in the fall...don't even get me started! Now, if only I had my camera.

Ah yes, my camera. It's like the extension of my hand. My third eye. Alas, it began refusing to take pictures, so I had to take it to the repair shop. They're still working on making Elvira all better, but I'm missing many opportunities. Absence makes the heart grow fonder...or so they say.

Yes, NYC is beautiful in the fall. The leaves are slowly changing color, and the air only recently became crisp and cold. Today was the epitome of a gorgeous fall day. I still, on occasion, wear flip flops. I'm sure people think, "She's crazy!" in their heads, but I just think, "I despise shoes." So it all evens out, and we're good to go. I just can't bring myself to cram my feet into shoes before it's absolutely necessary (meaning: before my toes go numb and turn blue.)

In other news (because I know how much you care about my flip flops and camera), I went to an exhibit called Dialogue in the Dark. In short, you are given a blind person's walking cane and a guide who is legally blind. A group of people are then led through a series of rooms that are meant to simulate popular spots in NYC. Some spots include Central Park, Times Square, the subway, a grocery store, and a cafe. The catch is that you are led through these rooms in pitch blackness. It is as if you are blind. As I stood outside waiting for our guide to begin the tour, I thought, "What am I getting myself into?" As the lights went down, I thought this again. Only this time, it was too late. Initially, it was quite challenging, but as time went on it became less so. The guide encouraged us to "look" around using our hands. We "saw" bicycles, garbage cans, bushes, water, fruits and veggies, milk, ketchup, pasta, a subway car, trucks, etc. We could smell flowers, hear people talking, hear horns honking, and smell hot dog stands. The guide led us in crossing the street in Times Square, and riding the subway felt quite real. Ok, so that wasn't exactly "in short," but you get the idea. I would do it again!

I've been going through China withdrawal in the last few days. Sometimes I feel so far away from China, and sometimes I feel so close that I can almost smell the good and not so good smells, hear the language, feel the air, and see the people. Unless God changes it, my plan is to stay in NYC for 3 years. I know it's going to feel long and short, hard and easy. When I miss China is when it will be the worst, but I know that once I finally get there, it'll all be worth it. I'm needed here for now. I know why. There are several reasons, but a couple stand out to me more. God has a plan, and I want to say "yes" to each small step on a daily basis. Like I've said before, He's handing me life piece by piece. He can see the whole picture on the puzzle box, and He knows how all the pieces fit together. I just have to trust Him that He will give me everything in His perfect timing.

I noticed that places like NYC are very materialistic. I'm sure anyone in their right mind would agree with me. I'm trying to distance myself from that while still living in the middle of it. It's so easy to get comfortable and want more and more and more. I need to be saving for my future in China, and I need to remember every day that if I have God, I have all that I need. He's everything that I could ever want and ever need.

If you took everything I have
My possessions and my health
All the ones I love so much
I'd still praise you

And if I walked through endless trials
And you led me through the fire
I'd still believe that you
Are more than enough

God you're my hope
You are my strength
You are my peace
You're all I need
Lord you're my love
My dearest friend
I will love you without end
You're all I need

I will go, follow if you call
And I'll trust you as my guide
Dangers cannot make me fear
I know you're near

Lord if you send me far away
Far from everything I know
I'd still have faith that you
Are more than enough

God you're my joy
You are my wealth
You're my desire
You're all I need
Lord you're my guide
My very life
I will love you without end
You're all I need

God you're my all
On you I call
You lift me up
You're all I need
Lord I will praise
Your precious name
I will love you without end
You're all I need

I pray that if I ever end up like Job, I'll still be able to say this.

The kidlets are sound asleep now. They must have been tired, because they slept after only about 10 minutes. A new world record! The kidlets on:

The new babysitter: "Are you going to tell Casey when she comes that Penelope (dog) is small?" (said in a extremely serious tone)

Soup: "I love every kind of soup except the other kinds of soup."

Bedtime: "One time daddy said that we could skip bed, and we never did so I want to skip bed this time."

Bathroom: "This is hard work!"

Baths: "Warm, deep baths are so lovely."

Eating veggies before eating pizza: "My tummy is too full for veggies but not too full for pizza."

Not being able to go to school due to sickness: "This is really hard for me!" (said while wailing)

The Halloween decorations that Grammy and Grampy sent: "I love these decorations. We should send some back to Grammy and Grampy so they can have some too."

Nap time on a cloudless summer afternoon: "I can't sleep because I just saw lightning."

What to do on their day off: "We should go on a boat to the Statue of Liverty!"

Taking laundry from the washer to the dryer: "I can't make this sheet come out of the washer even though I pulled so hardly!"

Oh yes, gotta love kidletisms. I'm sure there will be more to come! Peace

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