Saturday, October 29, 2011

A Portrait of My God: King of Kings

I was standing in the kitchen making banana bread (which didn't turn out, by the way) while watching the rain on the kitchen window. I few minutes later I turned back to the window to watch the...snow? Yes, snow in October. It began falling at 11:30am, and it's still falling at 2:32pm. It's beautiful but early.

I was thinking how awesome it is that God did a couple things. First, He makes the deciduous trees lose their broad leaves in the fall. If they don't lose their leave before the snow comes, their leaves will gather the snow, make the leave too heavy, and the branches will break under their weight (which is what is happening in my backyard...) He also makes the coniferous trees to be shaped like...cones...which ensures that the snow will slide off and not gather too much on the leaves. Because of this, they can stay green all year round. Second, God does not make any two snow flakes the same. I was watching thousands of snowflakes fall right outside my little kitchen window, and they were all different from one another. And that's just outside my small window. Amazing Creator God.

Seeing snow like this makes me picture the little children in China (and all over the world) who are not only without moms and dads, but also without homes, coats, blankets, gloves, and food. I miss China...

So, as you can imagine, it's very cold here now. I'm talking gloves, hats, scarves, coats, and boots kind of cold. And cold and flu season kind of cold. Speaking of flu seasons, I was petrified because I was going to have to get my flu shot. When I went to the doctor, she offered me the option of getting a nasal spray in place of the needle. It was ELATED! Anyone who knows me know that I faint every time I get a needle. I wanted to hug her, but I refrained. :D

No other name can make all nations
Bow down in a worship of a King
One who is worthy of all honor
More than the praises we can sing

No other kingdom lasts forever
With no beginning and no end
No other King can save His people
Rescue their souls from hell and death

You, oh God
Are the King above all King
To you alone
We lift our voices and we sing
Worthy is the Lord
Worthy are you, God
We lift our eyes in awe
To the King of Kings

We stand in wonder at the mention
That you were born a little babe
You came in obedience to your Father
Knowing the price that you must pay

You took the nails, the crown, the vict'ry
Now we can see an empty grave
No other King would have such mercy
That He would die so we'd be saved

You, oh God
Are the Lord above all Lord
And you alone
We worship and adore
Worthy is the Lamb
Worthy are you, God
We lift our eyes in awe
To the King of Kings



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