Friday, March 4, 2011

Weekend Guest

Loosely based off a passage I read in my Bible last night.

1. The way that I once was
Is not who I am now
For sin is dead to me
And I am raised with Christ

The old has been shed off
The new has been put on
And sin has no more place
The guilt and shame is gone

Because of love
I am changed, made new
Because of mercy
What my Lord went through
When He died for me
And took my blame
Oh what freedom, what wonder
Because of grace

2. I seek the things above
And not the things of earth
I am not more a slave
I am of noble birth

I serve the King of Kings
My life is hid in Him
I am His chosen one
And I give thanks and sing

Because of love
I am changed, made new
Because of mercy
What my Lord went through
When He died for me
And took my blame
Oh what freedom, what wonder
Because of grace

3. And soon He will appear
The one who is my life
Who is my all in all
And on that day I'll rise

To take my final rest
With one who loved enough
To take this sinful child
And call me His beloved

This weekend I'm having company stay at my house! I would be excited, only this is not the type of company that most people want. It comes in the form of tissues, cold medicine, cough drops, soup, and my most comfortable hoodie. Yes, I have a cold. My best bet is that over half of the teachers are sick with numerous students thrown in for good measure. It was inevitable. I popped into the pharmacy today, pointed to my throat and nose, gave him a good cough, and was handed a familiar looking box of cold medicine. Oh well, such is life. At least my house will get sparkling clean.

Is it really March 5 tomorrow? Time is whizzing by like a...real fast thing. Soon it'll be April and then Spring Break and then May and then June and after June it's adios Korea and hello North America. I'll miss Asia. I'll miss the people and how they have no personal space. I'll miss the markets and all night shopping. Don't tell anyone I said this, but I'll even miss standing in the metro body to body literally with no room to move. I'll miss crazy old men yelling at me and old ladies pushing past me to get onto the metro. I'll miss kimchi and rice and seaweed triangle. I'll miss (this really is lovely sometimes) not being able to understand what is being said around me. I'll miss the random clothes, shoes, and accessories. I'll miss cheap shopping and cheap taxis. I'll miss feeling safe walking the streets late at night. I'll miss the bridge over the river and the first grade children talking on their cell phones while walking home alone at 10pm. I'll miss shabu shabu...greatly. I'll miss random kids shouting HI because that's the only word that they know. But I know that as much as I miss it, I'll love the next place just as much. I'm so excited to see where God directs my steps and how He uses me.

If in God's will, where can I go that the peace of God will not envelop me? Where the strength of God will not empower me? Where is the place where God's grace is not bountiful and His love not unconditional? Is there a place where the devil has control over God? Find me a place where God cannot see me, help me, comfort me, or rescue me from any type of evil. Find a place where God is not, and I will not to go to that place to reach the lost. Impossible. Is it even necessary to say that God is with me wherever I go?


1 comment:

  1. Hey anna! where are you going in June? i have not heard about this yet! :) sorry that you ahve to leave beautiful and fun asia, but I'm glad the Lord is using you in amazing ways! :)
