Friday, October 15, 2010


I dug up some old quotes that I wrote or read and some old poems that I wrote.

"I do not desire to be known, but I desire that through me, God might be known."

I found this quote in a biography I read about Isobel Kuhn, a courageous missionary to China....

Often on the Rock I tremble,

Faint of heart and weak of knee;

But the steadfast Rock of Ages

Never trembles under me.

This next quote was from a biography that I read about George Muller:

"Lord, is it really possible that You will provide whatever I ask You for--especially concerning the orphan house? I praise you, Lord. Truly You are great and greatly to be praised that a mere man can ask of You, the God of the universe, and receive whatever he asks. Help me to be faithful to Your calling, Lord."

Two poems that I wrote:


God, I ask why?

My human heart can't understand!

But I have confidence in you

I know that by your grace

I'm safe in your mighty hand

God, I ask where?

My feet don't know where they should go!

But I have confidence in you

That you will lead me where

Your perfect will has called me to

God, I ask how?

My mortal strength is gone, I'm weak!

But I have confidence in you

That you will give to me

From your hand all the strength I need

God, I ask what?

I do not have the words to speak!

But I have confidence in you

That you will speak through me

And that my tongue your grace will lead

God, I say yes!

Just send me where you need me now

For I have confidence in you

That if I give my life

You will use this sinner some how


The power of prayer, I know it well

I see God's love at work in me

Though others doubt, in God I trust

I'll live this life upon my knees

It's pressing on when people fail

And waves arise and break on me

It's lifting up my voice to God

It's living life upon my knees

The power of prayer, to win the lost

To open blinded eyes to see

It's God who hears my earnest pleas

When I live life upon my knees

And when I reach that glorious shore

My Savior's face I'll finally see

I'll praise His name forever more

Before His throne upon my knees

I read a great quote from a book about the missionary C.T. Studd.

"Some wish to live within the sound

Of a church or chapel bell.

I want to run a rescue shop

Within a yard of hell."

I want the hard hitting, near the flames, crying out and pleading, rescue the dying, head over heals love for Jesus, total faith, trial soaked, nothing witheld kind of life. Somethat that I can lay at Jesus feet and He can say "Well done good and faithful servant." Something that I know I didn't just barely get by, but I gave every tiny bit of me to be spent by Jesus who so willingly gave Himself for me.

"You can trust God too little, but you cannot trust Him too much."

Well, there you have it. Peace.

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