Thursday, October 7, 2010

Off in Lala Land

Nothing much happening since the last update. The moving date is set for November 14, so I have a little over a month in my current apartment. I like this one, so either way it's okie dokie.

It's like pulling teeth when I try to make my kids write neatly. I take off points, threaten with zeros, make them redo it, and they are STILL messy. I guess I should learn to have more patience and keep correcting them in love and not give up on them. After all, God doesn't give up on me when I keep on sinning. Even when He corrects me and I turn right around and do wrong again. Yes, I'm very thankful for God's patience.

Yesterday while I was waiting for the weekly Wednesday teacher meeting to begin, I was vacuuming the classroom in which we meet (because I love to vacuum.) I often leave the lights off in rooms because it tends to be more peaceful. I thought the floor looked pretty good...until I turned on the light. Then I realized how much dirt was still left on the floor. To my mind came a Biblical parallel. If we look at our lives in comparison to the rest of the world in general, we look pretty good. But just like I had to turn on the light in order to see the dirt on the floor, so we have to look at ourselves in the light of God's word in order to see the sin in our lives that we need to vacuum up. I pray that I am never satisfied with my spiritual state. Rather, I want to constantly be looking at my life in light of God's word in order to grow more like my Savior.

Another endlessly scrumptious day today. Clear blue sky, a slight breeze, and crisp cool air. Ahh I love fall! Peace.

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