Monday, October 18, 2010



You're bigger than the mountains I face
You're richer than the monetary needs I have
You're stronger than the devil who tempts me
You're wiser than those who tell me I can't do it
You're more faithful than my closest friend
You love me more than I can imagine.

I will trust and follow.

Today in Heritage we were discussing the World Wars. We talked about Belgium wanting to remain neutral, and I was writing the world neutral letter by letter on the board so the students could guess the word. When I wrote "n-e-u-t-r" one boy yelled out "NEUTROGENA! MY MOM USES THAT!" I couldn't suppress my laughter.

The cheese factory field trip was a success. The kids only asked 999,999 times "how much longer till we get there?" I sang the song for them that I had grown up listening to "How much longer till we get there? Everybody would say. How much longer till we get there? Complaining all the way...." A couple girls held bags over their mouths, but nothing was expelled. The noise was kept to a dull roar on the 1.5 hour bus ride, everyone wore their seat belts (granted the teachers had to literally buckle some of them in who didn't want to wear them), no one broke bones (yes, it happened last year) and no bloody noses or black eyes were acquired. The kids laughed and cheered all day, thoroughly enjoying themselves. They went sledding, made and ate pizza, stretched cheese, held bunnies, played on the playground, made a traditional Korean popped rice, and promptly passed out on the bus ride home. I also passed out and woke up with scratchy eyes. The aircon was turned on during the last 5 minutes, and we were grateful for that. Yes, it was a success. I wouldn't say I'm ready to do it again tomorrow, but it was fun while it lasted.

I made the Korean staple, kimchi, yesterday. I looked up a recipe on the internet, and followed it. I did, however, put way too many onions and garlic in. Let's just say that my breath is less than desirable after I take a few bites. I've also learned first hand why Korean's use a separate fridge for kimchi. It was fun, but since I'm not a very good cook, I didn't feel overly accomplished. Oh well another day another bucket of kimchi. :)

School is wizzling by! Just another month until Thanksgiving break and a few weeks after that is Christmas. Then it'll be a new year and spring will come. Soon school will be over, and another year will be conquered. Wow...

Pray. Then wait. While you wait, trust.


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