Thursday, October 14, 2010

Hermit Crabs and Bibles

Today was show and tell. I'm not sure if the kids have ever done it before, but I think it's just the cutest thing. It also helps them practice their English, speaking skills, and helps to make them comfortable in front of people.

One boy showed us his wallet and said that it was very precious to him because his friend gave it to him and now he has somewhere to put his money.

One girl showed her hermit crabs, and they even crawled across the desk much to the delight of the students.

One boy showed his ninja headband. A friend bought it in Japan and gave it to him as a gift. He wears it when he does ninja games.

One boy showed us his musical instrument. Actually, it was one that he created. He took a plastic whistle that a coach might use and a syringe style water dropper thing. He cut a circular hole in the side of the whistle and glued the syringe to it. Then when he blows into the whistle and moves the stopper on the syringe in and out, it plays different notes much like a trombone. Very creative child.

The last one really got me. The boy showed his Bible and said, "This is my Bible and it's very important to me because it tells us how we can have Jesus in our hearts and how we can live a good Christian life for him. It is from America but I bought it here and I read one chapter every day because I want to be more like Jesus." Wow, talk about choking back tears. I've prayed that God will work in the hearts of my students, and He's shown me that He is and I'm so thankful for that.

In other news, tomorrow is the big field trip to the cheese factory. 4-6 grades will ride a bus for 2 hours to the farm where we will make pizza, cheese, feed cows, and sled down a grassy hill on some sort of sledding contraption. It should be a whale of a time.

I was standing in the hallway while the kids lined up to go to Tae Kwon Do and one boy kept staring at my eyes. "Ms. Janke, your eyes look like...the earth!" Haha I love kids.

God's been doing some amazing things in my heart and life, and I'm growing to love Him more every day. I've been able to see His blessings all along the way. On many sidewalks and in the metro they have raised pathways for blind people. I was walking on one today and closing my eyes to see if I could trust my feet to follow the path. I kept peeking because I was afraid that I would run into someone or step off the path and run into a wall or something. Then I was thinking how God leads us through life on His path and even if it's dark and we can't see the way or we don't know what's up ahead, we don't have to have that fear of "will I run into a problem" because we know that He's leading us and won't let us stray off of His path. Maybe a little far off, but it's just a thought. God's been leading me, and there were many many times where I couldn't see what was up ahead, but He helped me to trust and just to be led by His hand and His perfect plan through those blind times.

One more sleep until the weekend. This year really is flying by, and I can't wait to see what happens next. Peace.

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