Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Like a Tree

I'm not sure why I think that making cookies will be a quick and easy process. It started around 9 and, in between the computer and the oven, I baked and baked and baked until midnight. Granted, I was using a cake pan for lack of a better option, and I did make a double recipe, but 3 hours? Next time I need to rethink this idea. :)

I have been told by a few people recently that they consider me a strong Christian. I shouldn't have been, but I was caught off guard each time. By caught off guard, I mean that I didn't know what to say. Of course I didn't say thank you, and I did say "praise the Lord" but I feel like that's not enough. If someone says that to me, this is what a really want to say:

Well, in and of myself, I am not a good Christian. I have no good in me. I show no love, and I have no kindness. But praise God that He has used this weak, sinful person to show Himself. Praise God that He patiently works in me every day and shows me my sin, helps me to correct it, and allows me to learn from it. Praise God that His grace is greater than my sin. Praise God that He allows me to use my life to serve Him and through that to glorify Him. All the praise and glory for anything good in my life must go to God.

Now, I realize that I'm not going to recite that spcheal to someone, but I just want to be very clear to myself and others that God gets all the glory.

I don't want to be satisfied with my spiritual state. Are the enormous redwood trees satisfied to be tiny saplings that have to be held up by rope and secured at the base because they are too weak and their roots are not in the ground yet? No, they grow and grow and grow until they are massive and unmovable. I want to be unmovable in the Lord. I want to be alive in the Lord and striving to become more like Him. I want to keep growing and growing and growing until no wind of evil can topple me and no storm can break me and no battle against satan can make me move.

Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him, rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving. Colossians 2:6-7

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