Thursday, January 28, 2010

We should love him

Sometimes I look away from the goal. I look at what I've done here on earth and life seems to drag on. It's the same day after day. Then I remember that if I'm doing the Lords will every day and striving to please him in all I do, I can just keep doing what I'm doing. Even the repetetive tasks, if done with a cheerful heart for the Lord, will bring honor to God. I know he wants to and will use me. I have to remember that this life is just temporary. Work with joy in your heart for God, and don't loose sight of heaven. There we will rest and our work will be all done. We will soon see the fruits of our labor.

Isn't God our creator amazing? He holds the whole universe in his hands. He commands the stars to shine and the sun to burn. He causes the gentle whisper of the wind in the trees and brushes the flowers with a pleasant scent. He makes the moon rise and fall and guides the rivers as they run. Ever little seemingly insignificant bird is in his care. This God made light, time, emotions, thoughts, and us. He gives us each breath. He loves his creation. God created grace and mercy and freely pours them out. He created the tree on which he died and the stone that sealed his tomb he crafted. He guards, loves, cherishes, and comforts us. And these are just a few of the innumerable things he does. How much more should we love him than we do?

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