Sunday, February 21, 2010


If you begin going north, you will eventually meet the south and start going south. After you have gone south for a while, you will meet the north and again go north. When you go east for a while, you will continue to go east. And after you have gone east for a time, you will go east yet again. Likewise, if you go west, you will continue to go west, and it will never change to east. East and west never meet. East will forever go east and west forever west.

"As far as the east is from the west, So far hath he removed our transgressions from us." Psalm 103:11

Things have been pretty busy around here latey. I know that what seems like normal life to me is a wow! to those who don't live in Korea.

We had international day last Friday, and my class did India. The girls wore make-shift saris and the boys wore homemade dhotis and turbans. The day was very hectic, but we all learned a lot and had fun.

This last weekend was Lunar New Year and we had Monday off in addition to the weekend. On Monday we took the subway for 2 hours to go to a spa type place. There are sleeping rooms with heated floors, cafes and shops, and many indoor and outdoor pools of varying temperatures. They put some yummy smelling colors in the pools which made them apple green and blood red. There are slides and a huge playground in the middle of one of the pools. There are saunas and big water slides. Then they have doctor fish...little fish that suck the dead skin off your feet. You pay 5 bucks and sit in a pool. Literally a couple hundred fish swarm your feet. It tickles like mad! It feels something like tiny tongues licking you or bubbles bursting all over your feet. Needless to say it was a unique experience.

The science fair is coming up. My class is doing biomes in a box...this should be good! One more month until spring break. I really can't believe how fast the year is whipping by. I love what I do! God has taught me so much about him and me.

Though I'm unworthy
Impure in heart
Humbly I come
To your throne

You don't desire
Good I have done
You want my heart
Me alone

I am imperfect
Nothing I bring
But this my offering
Of praise

Lord you are worthy
God you are holy
Giver of life without end
Father I'll praise you
Give you the glory
Righteous redeemer and friend
Lord you alone are my hope
God you alone i will praise

Your name is power
Great is your grace
You give me comfort
And hope

You make my heart pure
Wash me of sin
So i will praise you
My Lord

1 John 1:7 "if we walk in the light as He is in the light..."

How can we walk the very same way God does? That is perfection. It's impossbile for a human to attain. But God gives us everything we need to walk with Him. To obey and follow his commandments. We will still sin and, at times, walk away from this light, but it is something we can strive to attain every day and never give up until heaven where we will be without sin.

Its a good thing to often step back and evaluate my walk with God. Am I communicating with Him daily? Is He the most important thing, the top priority in my life? Am I always looking for new ways to grow, for ways to become more like God? Ways to reach out to others, ways to edify, ways to resist temptation. And am I looking for these ways in God's word? I want to be an ever growing always changing child of God. I don't want to get comfortable where I am and stop learning about my God. Bring on the trials if need be, take away the unhealthy influences in my life is that's what it takes, lead me through valleys if that will make me more like Christ. I want to be a child who labors to be so close to God.

Time to run along now. Peace.

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