Thursday, January 21, 2010


Sometimes it's easy for me to look at someone who is "worse" than I am and criticize them or just make myself feel better. Then it hits me like a wet noodle. Were it not for Gods grace I would be just like every sinner is before their sins are washes away by the blood of Jesus: lost and on my way to hell. My heart is cleansed by the blood and I'm in God's family, but I'm still no better of a person in and of myself than anyone else. I'm still just a sinner who has no good in me save for the Lord dwelling in my heart. So I cannot look at someone else through eyes of a self centered person , but through eyes that use the lenses of God. Eyes of love. Eyes that go past the sin to the need of the heart. To the wandering soul. That where I should be looking.

I taught one of my students how to tie her shoes today. I never thought I'd be teaching a 5th grader how to tie her shoes, but by George I did. And successfully at that! Amazing. But yes that's my awe inspiring thought provoking experience of the day.

I spoke too soon about that whole spring thing. I definitely walked outside today to clear skies and frigid weather. But it's ok because that little tease of spring still keeps my hope alive. All is not lost!!!

I love the fact that God had my every breath planned out before he even created the world. He knew me for all of time. And that tells me right there that I'm stuck firmly in the hands of a more than capable God. It might seem like things are going wrong, but really all is right. Because I know that all things work together for good to them that love the Lord. And that's a promise!!

In valleys, on mountains
Through fire or calm
Each step here is guided
By God

Though trials seem heavy
With storms raging on
I've peace and assurance
In God

In his grace I will walk on
By his love I have a song
I will stumble and fall
But I'm held in the hands
Of God

It won't be much longer
Till sorrow will cease
I'll rest over Jordan
At peace

My sin wil be banished
Because of great grace
And I'll see my Savior's
Sweet face

In his grace I will walk on
By his love I have a song
Soon I'll cast down my crowns
At the beautiful throne
Of God

Peace out for now!!


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