Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The Promise of Spring

Haha that sounds like the title of a cheesy romance novel. But I assure you it's not! Today it rained! And you know what that means. Well, maybe not. It means that artic frigid blustery Seoul is experiencing global warming which is not global warming because that doesn't exist but really it's the promise that spring is right around the corner. I realize that it's a false hope, however, because I know that more winter is really around the corner. Hey, I can dream. What it really means is that the snow on the roof is melted and when it dries the stir crazy kids can finally have recess outside so the teAchers can take a much needed break. That is IF things dry. We shall see.

The cat enjoys lounging on my stomach whilst I lie on the bed. Something which he is doing at this very moment. And purring quite contentedy I might add.

One of the third grade boys prayed yesterday and accepted Jesus. I was very happy! We've been praying for him and are still praying for a few other boys in his class. Also, in my class we get off on rabit trails which turn into spiritual Discussions. I try to integrate sin and he'll and salvation as much as possible for the two (possibly 3) unsaved girls in my class. They seem to be more interested, but still have many questions. I keep praying for them, and I know it's not anything I say but it's the Holy Spirit drawing them. I'm thankful that God is working even when I can't see. I know he loves them infinty more than I could ever dream of loving them, and he wants them as his daughters. I will keep praying and trusting the Lord.

I'm so thankful for all I have. For heated floors and a big apartment. For food, clean hot or cold water whenever I want it, an umbrella, blankets, socks and warm clothes, a coat, a hot shower, a wonderful job, the chance to travel and see the world God created, my faith, good Christian friends, a supportive family, a good education, and the list goes on. But so much more than material things, I'm thankful for my salvation. I don't deserve any of these possessions or blessings and even more so I don't deserve to be forgiven. I have a great God and I'm thankful for his unconditional love. I'm thankful he went to a rough wooden cross and took nails in his hands and feet, a mocking crown on his head, and a peirced side. I'm thankful he went to the garbe but rose. And I'm thankful he did all this knowing that I would commit sins that would nails the spikes into his hands and kill him. He went anyways. I'm thankful that I'm forgiven. I'm thankful for true peace and joy that never fades. I'm thankful that I have a home waiting for me in heaven. I'm thankful for a faithful God. I love the fact that when I get to heaven I can thank God for eternity and it still won't be enough. I'm thankful that if all I have is God, I have it all.

A bitter heart, a dying soul
On a wide and darkened road
With head bowed low and courage gone
Stumbled neath a heavy load

But in the stillness came a voice
With a call of grace and hope
Oh weary one come follow me
I have died to save your soul

Then I looked into the tender eyes
Eyes that knew my every sin
Yet still loved this cold and bitter heart
And was knocking to come in

So I dropped my burden there
And I placed my trust in him
And then Jesus showed me joy so full
And he freed my heart from sin

Oh wonderful Lord that saw all my sin
Yet went to the cross to wash me within
By his blood I'm new and gone is my pain
I walk a new road, I have a new song, I'm happy again.


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