Friday, August 20, 2010

Woke Up and Wrote Part 2

So now that I've successfully slept about 5.5 hours, I'm ready for a new day. I went to visit with one of the new couples who will be teaching here, and I accidentally talked their ear off. They were very gracious and very sweet. Then I went to see the Mays. Those were some happy times. We all went shopping together. When I looked around my house last night, I realized I really had nothing. No dishes, no towels (I used an old tee shirt), no cups, no extension chords, and other things I might need in the future like an ironing board or a rice cooker. When I came home from shopping, I lugged 2 huge bags full of stuff and a bamboo mat about 50,000 miles uphill both ways in the snow. I finally made it home (thankfully, it was hot today) and figured that it is all part of character building. Or something...but now I have many things that I need.

Korea is so...organized and...clean. I crossed the street when there were no cars, and I got some strange stares. I looked up and the little red man was screaming at me to wait until he magically turned green. Oops...but in China it's ok. *grin* I didn't die, so that's good. I notice huge differences between Korea and China, but they're hard to explain. That's ok. You'll just have to come here and see for yourself.

Here are some more updates:

Tuesday August 10

Won't really update today. It'll be the abbrev. Version.

Got up for breakfast. Scratchy tired eyes. A hazy polluted day. You
could barely see the city whereas on normal days it's crystal clear.

Played with the babies all morning so Rena could have company. We get
along well. :)

After lunch I napped for too long and this time it really was by
accident. Well, it made up for the little sleep I got last night.

Played with the babies again till dinner. Then ate and it was a merry
time of course. After dinner we...drum roll...played with the babies
again. And I decided it was my turn to get icecream again, so we
walked to the store and got it. It was yum.

We then proceeded to play a game of Sorry during which the sun went
down and we were all squinting to read the cards. I won.

Then we gathered in the older girls' room and played UNO a bazillion
times. People dropped out until we were down to four over giggling
girls mixing chinese and English words to make sentences. We laughed
till we cried and laughed some more. You only get nights like that once
In a while.

Now it's bed time. The shower situation was the same, so I bathed
using handfuls of warm water out of the sink. It is cloudy water today.

A beautiful cool day. A good end to a Tuesday. Love you! Peace.

Thursday August 12

I stayed up until 1:45 last night reading the news, washing clothes,
and trying to catch the MASSIVE cricket that flew into my room. That's
what I get for leaving the window open. So, upon arising this morn, I
was exceptionally exhausted. Haha. I pried myself out of bed at 7 so I
could eat breakfast, and promptly went back to sleep from 8-10. That
was a good idea. When I woke up I felt wildly rested and I didn't even
care to take a nap today. I still haven't caught the intruder, so I
slept in fear with a tee shirt wrapped around my feet in case he
decided to attack in my sleep. Never! But believe me when I say...he
was ginormous!

I hung out in the airconed nursery with the bebes and Rena until noon
when it was time for lunch. Then went to lunch, Which was a tasty mix
of noodles, greens, green beans, tomato sauce, and a few other veggies
and spices. The apple after was delicious. It was green, which is the
best color for an apple to be. Yammy!

After lunch was UNO! Wow I've nevered played it in my life! This was
my first time and it was oh so fun! I think the kids need to get out
more because they're always at each others throats during the games.
Sometimes literally. Even the sweetest ones go nuts. And conspire
against me. Thankfully Ive picked up on much of their Chinese through
context clues and words that I know from studying and listening. I can
usually call them out when they're out to get me. Anyways, we did get
out. They took the trash cart to the dump. Then of course we had to
stop in the dinky dimly lit store for some expired food and yummy
popsicles. We made our way back only to be confronted with UNO. It
was a "lively" game with much bickering, so when it was done I just
left. Now here I am in the privacy of my own room writing.

I love how no one in china walks fast. They just take their sweet time
down those dirt roads surrounded my concrete slabs of houses. I love
how they sit and fan themselves under the trees and next to the
overgrown shrubs and weeds. I love how corn and pumpkins grow wild in
front of the police station. I love how the little puppies run around
next to the babies wearing not even a diaper. I love how the trash
piles sit at the top of a beautiful ravine with swirling rows of green
green cornfields in the middle of groves of trees with the backdrop of
the smogey city. I love how there are no cross and don't cross signs.
You just weeve in and out of cars who honk just to be heard as you
calmly make your way across the street. I love how old and young
ladies and men alike sit on the side of the hill under their red
umbrellas selling the most massive and delectable grapes of my life. I
love how little kids ride their bikes down the road and almost crash
because they're staring. I love meal times when anything goes. I love
all the cars and how they just work together to form organized chaos.
I love seeing a kid in front of the dad on the motor cycle sitting on
top of boxes that are stacked up on the motorcycle floor while the mom
And the rest of the kids sit in the cart which the motor cycle is
pulling. I love how no one knows how to form a line anywhere for any
reason. I love how bugs love you as much as little kids do. I love how
no one wears deoderant and no one cares. I love how old ladies squat
down outside at the hose to wash their dishes in cold water with no
soap. I love how sitting on cardboard is just as adequate as a chair.
I love how people wear the same thing over and over. I love how the
smog overtakes the city but you can still See the sun...sometimes. I
love how icecream is really cheap. I love how everything is really
cheap. I love the tak taks. I love how no one shaves their legs. I
love how cute the bebes are. I love the path that cuts through the
corn field and the weeds that whip your legs while you run through it.
I love the gates that are barely hanging on their hinges. I love the
random rusty exercise equiptment on the side of the road. I love the
hilariously overdone and cheesy Televison shows. I love all the random
smells..well, most of them. I love the man stoking the fire on the
side of the road next to the telephone pole. I love the kids
on the roof with their red plastic bags tied to old casette tape
string stuff flying them in the breeze like kites. I love how the taxi
drivers meter doesn't work so he just quotes you some random price. I
love how everywhere is a garbage can. I love bargaining. I love how
they all want to be in a picture with you. I love the cheaply made
merchandise. I love how the supermarket is like a super walmart times
three. I love how it's totally ok to bump in to people cause no one
knows what personal space is. I love how the bus is like 20 cents and
Overcrowded and dirty. I love how they hunt bugs at night with a
flashlight so they can eat them. I love NOT eating them. I love how
oreos are two times as much as a water bottle. I love the random
chinglish tee shirts and signs. I love the motortaxis that call out to
you to try and get you to ride them. I love how every day is fashion
disaster day. I love how it's ok to sweat all over everything cause
everyone does and no one cares. I love how stores are just thrown
together. And I love how the people give massive smiles when I smile
at them. Some of the many reasons I love china.

I went up and played with the babies and realized I was a bit tired so
I came down and napped for about 20 minutes. Then it was time for
dinner. I was late so I didn't get my usual spot at the table outside
in the cool night air, but inside was surprisingly cool as well. After
dinner we went to get Popsicles. I had to round it off to an even 4
times that I bought. Everyone loves Popsicles and I love that they
love them so I bought. The kids ran ahead with the bags of Popsicles
while I took pictures. By the the time I got there only one popsicle
was left and it was the kind I like. good. So we ate and then the kids
practiced for the talent show while
I played ring around the rosie with about 8 babies who just laughed
and laughed as we all got dizzy going round and round in a circle. All
the while I though how depressing that rhyme is. Soon it was dark, the
babies went to bed, and some ofthe older girl went to play UNO. It wad
good times with lots of laughing and trying to guess each others
cards. We sit on the tile floor of the bedroom with two fans blowing
on us so we can try and stay cool.

Now, alas, the day is done. Tomorrow is my final day in Gongyi and
then it's on to Xuzhou. That should be oodles of fun! Tomorrow I head
off to Zhengzhou for a day of shopping with Rena and Heidi. Rena was
apprehensive about going because she had never been to the city. I said
me either. Where's your sense of adventure child! She ended up saying
yes and I didn't even really have to try to convince her.

Uh oh the cricket is back. I heard his large body thump on something.
Better go find him, shower, wash my clothes, and get into bed so I can
be rested for tomorrow. Peace!

Found him! Time to command and conquer!

Friday august 13

The world was blanketed in fog when I peeled myself out of bed this
morning. I could only hear the chatter coming from the direction of
the dining room, but I could barely make out the people. I ate in a
groggy state. That's what I get for staying up too late again. After
eating I went to lie back down until just before we were going to
leave at 8. Rena knocked on my door early, and she and Heidi were
ready to go, so I got ready and dashed out the door. And thus began
our day.

We caught one of the guys as he was driving the van out the gate so we
hitched a ride to the bus. I thought Chinese taxi drivers were crazy.
Talk about a real life video game of dodging
people, cars, and motor cycles while weaving in and out of massive
trucks carrying whatever full up to the brim. And I learned that you
don't have to drive on your side of the road. Good to know. The bus
was leaving so our driver cut across the oncoming lane and parked
right in front of the bus. We scampered out and hopped on.

The bus took us to the other bus. Wow, if I never bounce again in my
life it'll be way too soon. We were under the impression that not only
was this bus cheaper, but it was also faster. About the only redeeming
quality was the aircon. The bus bouned and bounced and weaves through
traffic up the hill in the fog next to a cliff. I paid two bucks for a
2 hour long half broken amusement park ride on which I was sure I'd die.

Anyways, we didn't die. We made it to the outskirts of Zhengzhou. We
hopped off the bounce land and onto a city bus which we rode right to
the foot of the shopping centers.

The rest of the day was spent going up and down, in and out of
buildings and shops. The purchases were the heaviest things of my life! I bought a tote style bag in which to carry them so I could take them on the plane. I think
I still have a shoulder. Rena helped me carry it.

Rena's brother met us there. He studies and works in Zhengzhou. He
took us to a place for lunch. 50 cents for a bowl of noodles. It was
filling too.

After lunch we shopped some more. Heidi bought a bag, rena bought a
shirt and a hat, and I browsed and wanted to buy lots. I refrained.
Partly because I knew I'd have to carry it.

We tried to take the train home but the next train wasn't until 6:30
which we deemed too late. As it turned out, we rode the crowded city
bus for an hour and got on the highway bus at 6:30. BUT we saved 8
yuan. Rena was happy about that.

We made it home despite the fact that a thunderstorm started and again
I thought we'd die. For a bit we drove on a small incline and the hill
next to us had turned into a muddy river. There was literally fast
flowing water up to the curb overflowing onto the grass and gushing
out of the man holes. One van was trying to drive in it
and all I could say was good luck Sparky. Another motorcycle acted
surprised when he got splashed. I thought "dude, the sky is gushing
and your driving next to a puddle the size of Texas driving an open
vehicle with monster trucks all around you. Let's think about this
one." then there were the ghost riders on their motor cycles heads and
bodies covered in black ponchos speeding down the highway in the rain.

At last we made it, hired a taxi to take us to the top of the hill,
and made our way through the darkened streets toward home. The only
light, for there were no street lights, was the occaisional flash of
lightning and the dim glow of the distant city lights. Carrying my
gigantic bag I slipped and slided through the mud in my flip flops. We
made it to the corn field. The path through it was pitch black. A
grape vine had toppled directly over a puddle. There was no way around
it so I waded ankle
deep through the puddle under the grape vine. Next thing I know I was
ankle deep in water again. I heard Rena squeal just as we both hit the
puddle and we ran through.

We trudged up to the gate in the dark and the gate keeper eyed us and
let us in. Dinner, although cold, was waiting for us. We ate and made
a mad dash for the showers.

As I entered my room, I was talking to someone. I felt something
underfoot and looked. There was barnabas, the massive cricket that i
had tried so hard to Capture, half dead. I killed him the rest of the
way and hoped it wasn't his cousin Shirley and that barnabas is still
out there. I celebrated with a shower. Time to clean and pack for we
leave at 5am for Xuzhou and more adventures. Peace!

Saturday august 14

Got up before the sun today only to be greeted by gushing rain and
massive puddles. Side note: it was barnabas' cousin that I smashed,
but I caught the man himself. Moving on, we piled on the bus and got
settled in for the 5 hour drive. I slept through most of it, though it
was difficult because of the way things were set up. About the most
exciting part of the trip was waking up to see sunny, hazy but sunny,
skies. That and the corn fields.

We stopped a few times for gas and bathroom, and the trip soon ended.
I fell in love all over again after walking through the gate of the
xuzhou home of hope. Yep, china and with the kids if definitely where
I'm supposed to be. No doubt in my mind. Now, let's see how He works
in starting this orphanage.

We all talked and ate lunch and met the beautiful children. After
lunch the kids split up into three teams of the primary colors. They
gave each kid a tee shirt and a flag for each team, and each team had
to come up with an acronym such as FROG: fully rely on G They came up
with some interesting ones.

Holly and Logan and I went to the train station to
book our various tickets. I got mine for shanghai and I leave on the
18th around 4pm. They had said that one other woman had a lot of
trouble booking her ticket to shanghai and she had tried for days. So
I prayed a lot and my prayers were answered quickly with a yes.

After we got back, we ate dinner. I ate with all the foreign adults.
We had hamburgers and baked beans and potato salad. Yum! We talked and

After dinner I talked more with the kids. I met someone who believes
and we talked about child searches and who to contat in the
government. She's going back to shanghai from the 18th to the 20th as
well, so we're going to hang out.

The fly in my shower had a death wish. He walked to the edge and just
dived in. Bye bye fly.

And this ends my blurry eyed day. I'm pooped and just washed my
clothes and
Am ready for a shower and bed. Sorry it's so short. More to come. Peace.

August 15

There are tables set up outside under the pines, and everyone sits
around them drinking soup and eating steamed buns and spicy noodle
things. The chatter is quiet, but it'll get much louder later.

My room was warm last night so I'm hoping I get used to it. I slept ok
anyways. Time for a new day. The older girls are going shopping this
afternoon. I'm excited about that.

The kids memorized verses in the morning and we had a meeting with the
older kids who are counselors. After the memorizing we had a peanut
butter and jelly eating contest where the person stands behind
blindfolded and puts their arms around the other person and makes the
sandwich and feeds it to them. That was interesting. Then I slapped
together a bazillon sandwiches for the kids. We had an assembly line
going. They had a scavenger hunt and now it's lunch time and then

Shopping was fun. I didn't buy anything, but it was fun to get out. We
just walked around and looked at stuff. tWas fun.

I don't want to leave. I want to stay. I keep day dreaming about my
orphanage and the kids. It's on my mind. It on my heart. I've got it
bad. Cindy told me that it is really a miracle that I'm here. Nathan
gets thousands of emails from people just wanting to talk. Well, he
can't answer all of them, but he answered mine. In detail. And allowed
me to come visit. I told her I had prayed long an hard about this, and
it was Him that took care of it all. One more word from God that this
is it.

The kids have totally stolen my heart. When they come up to you, wrap
their arms around your neck, and kiss you, you can't help but fall
head over heels and melt inside. When they take your hand or pat your
back as they run past. When they get mad at you for discipline and
later give you a hug and smile. It's impossible not to love these
kids. Any kids. I want this. I want it and I'm not going to stop until
I get it or die, whichever comes first.

Monday august 16

I can't believe the date. I sort of lose track of the days and dates
here, but summer is almost over. My time in this wonderful land is
almost done. The more I think about it while my arms are wrapped
around a child as they hold my hand, the more I feel sad and the more
the longing to return grows. I doubt I'll ever figure out why. Maybe
in heaven. :)

Today is water day. My morning began with breakfast. Promptly after
was water balloon filling time. I was in charge of filling them and
making sure the kids didn't touch them. It's much harder than it
sounds when you have 70 kids milling around. I was mostly sucessfull,
though there were a few pokes here and there.

The games began with the infamous water balloon toss. That didn't get
people very wet, but it all broke loose after musical waterballoon
chairs. If you didn't get a seat, you got a water balloon broken over
your head. Then it was a free for all. Needless to say, everyone was
soaked. June tossed a huge plastic bowl of water on me because I
smeared mud on her arm (it was on my list of things to do before I
die) and so we started grabbing the bowl. Made in China. It broke and
cut my right pointer finger. I didn't even notice it was
Bleeding till about 5 minutes later when I felt it sting. It didn't
look too bad, but I got peroxide, polysporin and a bandaid. :D I took
care of myself. The kids kept asking if it hurt. I smiled and said no.
It didn't really. Then I prayed really hard it won't get infected. It
doesn't hurt now and it's been a while so I'll keep dressing it and
keeping it clean. We'll see.

Now I'm damp , but the blue sky and sun have come out to play. I
haven't seen blue sky in a while. It's nice. It's lunch time in 30
minutes and then nap time! Then swimming in the lake later, which I
may sit out because I don't want To take any chances with my finger. I'll take pictures! Good.

Oh nap was scrumptious. I for sure didn't go to sleep till 2 last
night. Might have already said that. See, sleep deprivation hurts you.
I found a useful purpose for my mosquito bites. Connect the dots. :D
I'm smart.

The kids swam today and I talked with Rena. We had a good conversation
about stuff. You know, that stuff. She's unsure. Been told since
childhood the wrong stuff. Believes that. You know? Anyways, I'm
praying for her.

It turned out to be an absolutely beautiful night. Gorgeous. Clear
blue sky and warm non humid air. It felt like Canada. Tomorrow is my
second to last day here. Then I leave. Sadness...I was gonna say
bittersweet, but where is the sweet? I guess the sweet is my
contentment where I am in Korea. Ok.

It's almost dinner time. My finger is doing well, in case anyone
cares. Haha. The kids are watching Madagascar. I'm sitting waiting for
dinner. I love it here. I love everything about it. Everything.

Oh the days draw to a close and I pray that there
might be 30 or 40 hours in a day.

we walked around a beautiful lake and all these Chinese buildings were
lit up in the dark. It was awesome!! There was some live music too.

Now we're just chillin. Being cool. Then bed time so I can wake up
tomorrow for more fun. Peace!

August 17

The last day. Started off with the usual, breakfast, and then the
counselor meeting. After taking pictures of all the teams wearing
their camp shirts, we walked about 15 minutes to a park. I brought my
umbrella to use for the sun like the Chinese do. It's genious.
Anyways, the city of Xuzhou really is beautiful. Lots of green,
flowers, well manicured medians, lots of trees lining the streets,
lakes with gorgeous architecture, and mountains surrounding it. This
park was no exception. The part we went to was a giant obstacle course
kind of like the ones you see on those hilarious Chinese shows where
they try to run across things but end up falling in the water. There
was only one part with water, and it was nasty. I would not want to
Fall into that. They played for a couple hours and had races through
the course. One part you climbed up a wood thing and then straight
down a massive tire and rope wall. One ity bity kid was climbing down
and I was afraid he'd fall so I stood at the bottom. Sure enough,
about half way down, he fell. Thank the Lord I caught him because he
was about 6 feet up. He smashed my glasses haha but they're cheap and
I bent them back into shape. The kids had a blast and several got sick
on the merry go round. Ok, please tell me why it's called a MERRY go
round. I got the go round part, but there ain't nothing merry about it.

Next it was dinner time. Dinner consisted of sweet, pink Chinese hot
dogs wrapper in soft white bread with ketchup, cookies, potato
chips, carrot sticks, cherry tomatos, and soda. We put all the wooden
stools in a big square. On the side was the buffet style food. At the
front was the DJ and microphone. We all ate and talked.

After eating was the talent show. There were poems with
choreographing, dances, and songs. When the older kids from the Gongyi
home got up and sang a slow Chinese song, I lost it. I grabbed a
tissue and tried not to Bawl. I love these kids.I'm going to really miss them.

The pingyu home of hope has a married couple, their 3 biological boys,
and 8 5-8 year olds. 4 boys and 4 girls. They put a blue cloth down so
it looked like a river and the 3 American boys came, knelt down, and
started singing "down to the river to pray." they sang the verses that
invited sisters, brothers, mommy, and daddy. They were all kneeling
singing and I lost it again. They love the kids so much. These kids
are really special, and their lives have chnahed dramatically. Their
Smiles make me melt.

I'm getting up to say goodbye tomorrow at 5. I know I'll cry when I
hug them. I pray I'll be back next summer. This trip...I tell ya.
Confirmation all the way. God's been so amazing and provided so
Many things in ways I couldn't have imagined.

August 18

I got up at 4:50am to say goodbye. Holding their hands through the bus
window in the dark I kissed their fingers and tried not to cry. They
just smiled and said bye. I hugged rena goodbye. I miss them. I hope I
get to see them next summer. Then they drove away and I went back to
my room, cried, smiled, and slept.

I got up around 8:45 and went with Kristie to the shopping. I bought
nail polish cause it was pink and sparkly. Good combo. Then we ate
lunch. I had noodles. part of my day...the 1.5 hour
massage. Aahhhhhh. I wear my jade cross and the Chinese girl who was
massaging me pointed to it and asked of I believed. She says she does.

Then I went back, said goodbye to Cindy (she packed me food and gave
me a real awesome hug) and left for the train station. Made it about
45 mins before my train left.

There were two women in the waiting room at the train station. I was
holding 10 yuan. One woman asked me if I was going to buy food with my
money. I told her no. Then she asked of she could have it because her
friend was hungry. I just pretended like I didn't understand. Then
they left and I bought a drink.

I was standing waiting for my train and this old man and over sparkly
woman kept looking and me and smiling. Of course I smiled back. Then
she came over and said ni hao and shook my hand. Well that let the dam
loose and like 10 people came up to shake my hand. Haha I laughed. One
lady spoke English. They wanted to know how old I was.

Things I saw on my train trip (I had a window seat!):

A well troden path through a corn field
A woman washing her clothes in the brown river water
A man standing on a small row boat in the middle of the lake holding
onto a pole
Crumbling houses next to brand new high rises
2 little boys looking up at the train while 2 others swim nearby
Cows chillin in the pond
Goats grazing by the river
Half a mile of trash
4 kids sitting on top of a giant rock pile
Sheep that I thought were sandbags
Lots of dark world

Things I smelled on my train trip:

A woman who smelled like she'd been in a house full of burning beef
jerky and toilet paper.
The train bathroom
Spicy fish ramen
Cigarette smoke

Gramma sitting next to me on the train chomped on chips while pink
princess sang at the top of her lungs off key and momma laughed and
sang along. They sang so so loudly for like 20 minutes. I put my
hands over my ears and all was well.

Someone just said perhaps and I laughed. Also it smells like smoke.

I call them Jingle kids. The kids that come up to you, bow, and tap
your hand with their jingling cup asking you for money. I just stare
ahead until they go away. So sad.

I'm in shanghai at the hostel eating spaghetti. Tomorrow I'll Hang out
with Brooke and shop and stuff. Then the next day it's back home.
Sadness. The future awaits!

I saw a guy reading in the really dim light, and I thought how mom
always asked me if I wanted more light in the dining room when I was
reading and even though I said no thanks she still turned it on. It
made me laugh. :)

Peace and blessins.

Last night I walked into my room and began to attempt to sum up my
roomies before they came. The place looked like a war zone. Shoes and
clothes and shopping bags everywhere. One bed had toiletries and
clothes and food strewn all over it. The other two beds were pretty
neat. I said she must be Asian or foreign cause her feet were tiny.
There was a beer bottle on the table and it was already past midnight
so I figured she must be a loud partier who stays out late. I was
right haha. She was from brazil, and talked loudly on her phone for
quite some time. The other two girls were from england, and I talked
for about 45 minutes with one. They are backpacking Asia for 3 months.
They were neat and tidy and really hilarious. They called the
flashlight a torch. Hahaha I laughed so hard. Maybe it's cause it was

After popping two vitamin c pills for my throat felt a little scratchy
(that'd what you get for stayng up till 2 every night and getting up
at 7) I went to bed. Kinda a rough congested sleep, but I feel
somewhat better today.

I decided to skip breaking my fast and got ready. Now I'm on the train
headed to shopping. In 1.5 hours I meet Brooke for lunch and more
shopping and fun'

It's so precious. A tall muscular man holding a sleeping girl with

Went to the market and found a bag. You really feel like a celebrity
or something when you're there. Minus the paparazzi. Everyone swarms
you "buy my bag lady! You need a purse lady?lady a shirt lady?" I
would hate to be a celebrity. The best part is when you go into a
store that only sells bags and they say "what are you looking for?"
and I laugh and say "uh, a bag!" hmm a bit obvious, no? Anyways, she
said my price was impossible and then gave it to me after I was half
way down the hall. "ok lady come back I give you price!" yep. I
usually get it haha. Not impossible after all. But you know, it's real
dolce and gabana and real leather. I scoff. Happiness prevails.

I met Brooke and we went to lunch at Chinese food. It was delicious.
She treated and I felt bad because she got dumplings and noodles and
rice and soup and everything and I was so full I couldn't help eat it
all. So, I treated her to one of my favorite massage places. They did
an excellent job, and I even fell asleep during the massage. We just
slept in the dark cold room for some time. Now we're at the bank where
brooke is trying to set up an account.

We talked at lunch and she knows a city that is very poor and needy.
She wants me to visit as an option for starting my orphanage. We'll
see how God leads and works things out. I get more excited my the day!

We went into one of the nicest hotels I've ever seen. We looked around
for a room that was being cleaned so we could take a peek, but it
wasn't to be. We decided that brooke would pretend to speak only
English and no Chinese. Also, we both speak a language from a small
village in Burma. Brooke said "where's Burma?" and I just smile and
said "exactly." we pulled it off a few times without laughing and got
a few strange stares.

The weather is GORGEOUS. Blue sky, lazy clouds, hot but barely humid,
and a gentle breeze. The crowds aren't even that bad.

We shopped at the underground shopping. Again, Brooke preteded like
she couldn't speak English so I translated and we also spoke in our
made up language. I bought 4 pairs of sunglasses, a jade bracelet, and
a couple more jade cross necklaces. Good times. I'm on the metro
headed home. One shirt said "I come to shanghai." yes, I did. And
tomorrow I leave. Alas. I know I'll be back. I'm still content even
though I'll miss this wonderully amazing place.

Time to go back to the hostel and see how much second hand smoke I can
inhale and what weird people I can meet or conversations I can hear.

So I'm going back and the announcer wasn't doing her thing and the
sign was wrong and I wasn't paying attention so I go one past my stop.
An easy fix Involving an escalator but still dumb me haha.

August 20

Slept in without really sleeping. Haha of course my brazillian roomie
first stood by my bed talking loudly on the phone. She was considerate
and left the lights off...for a time. Then she brought a friend in.
The other two girls whispered and were super. I didn't really care
though because I had gone to bed so early last night. 10pm! I was
tired and the Internet didn't work so the only options were sleep or
sit in a dark smokey room while people talked about things I didn't
care to hear. I chose the first one.

Then I got up and had a marvelous shower. The first floor bathrooms
are so much cleaner and warmer and better. It was lovely.

I have this problem with not keeping the inside of my bag organzied. I
can keep everything inside, but it's a jumble of stuff. So I repacked
my bag and talked to the new girl from London. Then I checked out and
now I'm on the metro eating my seaweed square...oh!!!! I get it!!!!
Seaweed!! Epiphany. Anyways, headed to the Maglev for some high speed
train action. Then it's off to Seouleo.

Maglev was an unventful 7 minutes. Quite a fast train. I saw a little
village like the one where the school was. Some houses were standing.
Most of them were heaps of concrete with spots of color here and
there. To make way for more development, no doubt.

At the airport I got a cart for my super de duper heavy bag and it was
quite fun to roll it around. Looked in over priced shops and people
watched. Good times.

Listened to Last Christmas in wanna be jazz airport music, among other
random songs.

A sign on one of those aiport cars:The children, the elderly, and those
Who embrace the baby do not take the back row.

Saw a skinny geeky Asian airport worker rappin as he walked.

At this airport restaurant it wasnt called the dish of the day or the
daily special. It was the Maily item. At least they tried.

One girl at a store asked where i live. I said korea and she said "oh
yes i love korean. Korean is a very romantic land. A very beautiful
land." I'm thinking "lady, you probably never left shanghai. Haha it
gave me the jollies.

I said "if I were anna's headphones, where would I live?" the answer
came all too soon: anna's checked luggage. Of
Course. I hope china southern provides. :D silly me.

Time to board and fly home. Flight departing promptly from Sadness
International Airport.

More to come. Peace.

A girl had a bag with super creepy dolls on it. I hate dolls. Met a
girl with funky curly hair from Italy.

Sittin on the bus watching the beauitful sunset missing China.

And so ends my updates.  Yes, I had a wonderful time.  Yes, it wasn't always ideal.  Yes, it was sometimes same old same old.  BUT I loved it.  I love it more now.  I desire it more now.  My passion has grown stronger to help these people and bring them Jesus' love.  So my prayer is that if God wants me there like it seems He does, that He will bring me there in His time to the place that He wants me.  That I'll always be looking to Him for guidance and strength and wisdom.  That, in a nut shell, was my trip.

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