Tuesday, August 24, 2010

All About God

I dedicate this post, and my life, to my wonderful God.

God is amazingly amazing. God is indescribable. Awesome. All powerful. All knowing. Loving. Perfect. Holy. Wonderful. Mighty. Reigning. Creator. Father. Beginning and End. Giver of Good. Unchanging. Ruler. Beautiful. Gentle. Shepherd. Pure. Most High. Everywhere. Drier of Tears. Leader. Giver of Life. Unlike any other. Calmer. Peace. Given to All. Giver of Good Gifts. Trustworthy. Sovereign. Truth. Mine.

We serve a great God who is our very best friend. Unlike earthly human friends, God is truly faithful. He never gets tired of our questions. Never says "That's it! I've had it with you!" when we mess up...over and over. He is never late. In fact, He's never not there. His phone would never be turned off if He had one. He doesn't sleep so we can always talk to Him anywhere we are. He doesn't laugh at our dumb questions. He never gets mad and gives us the silent treatment. He doesn't forget anything we tell Him or ask Him. He always always listens and has the best advice for us. He's always watching out for us and always there to pick us up and dust us off when we fall. There's no job that's too hard for Him, and He helps us get done everything that needs to get done. He died for us and rose for us. What earthly friend would or could do that?

I'm thankful that God has the puzzle box. He can see the picture on the front. I know that if He showed me the picture, I would have a nervous breakdown because it's so big and detailed. He provides me with one puzzle piece at a time. One trial here, a blessing there, a weakness in this piece, a strength in that one. And as time passes, I can see the puzzle being put together. Of course things that didn't make sense before make sense now because they have other pieces around them. Of course everything fits together just right and paints a beautiful picture because who else painted it but God? Of course it's not complete, but I can rest assured that each piece will come in time. The finished product will be amazing. Each piece works together for good. Each piece piece brings more days during which I can serve God. Maybe I'll see the whole thing when I rest in Heaven, but for now I'm content just to see piece by piece. And I'm happy knowing that God is perfect and knows exactly what He's doing. The stormy pieces fit just right with the blue skies.

I'm sickish right now. My body is tired from 2.5 months of traveling. I'm moving in to a new house and setting up my classroom. The days are long and filled with sweat, moving heavy things, frustration, and weariness. I asked God, "couldn't you have waited for the weekend to make me sick? I'd gladly take a trial then." But sweetly He whispered back that His grace is enough. Of course. Isn't it always? Absolutely. So, yes, I get frustrated and throw my broken stapler down when the bulletin board paper rolls up and I run out of staples. When my back hurts from moving book cases and I just want to stop sweating. Guilty. But then I run over, shut the door, turn off the light, sit in the corner, close my eyes, and pray. I tell God that I'm overwhelmed, sick, tired, hot and frustrated. I ask Him to take it all away and help me rely on His strength. I tell Him I can't do this. I bet He loves hearing that. He reminds me that I'm right. I can't. But He can. God never promises that we won't have trials in our lives, but He does promise that when they come, His grace will be enough. That He won't give me more than I can handle. And I love Him more for that. When my burdens seem too hard to bear, I look to the cross. There I see that Jesus already bore them for me.

God doesn't drop us off at the beginning of a trial and say, "See you at the end!" No, He goes before us blazing the trail. He goes behind us, protecting us from danger. And He goes beside us, urging us on and holding our hand. Picking us up when we fall and singing to us of His strength. He helps us have real joy in the hard times. He's that bright star that you see when the wind blows the thundercloud away for just a moment.

When we walk by faith, we walk the path that God has already bush-wacked. I think about the future. China seems so far away and yet so close. So close I can taste it. I day dream about it all the time. The passion won't go away. Sometimes the devil whispers in my ear thoughts of "you can't do it alone" and "you're too weak." But why should I put limitations on God? He doesn't even need me. He just chooses to use me. When I am willing, clean, and right with Him, then He will use me however He sees fit. I'm thankful that I can put my complete faith and trust in Him. He might use me in small ways, or they might be big. Whatever it is, I can trust Him to lead. I don't have to worry where I'll go or what I'll do or who I'll meet. He has all that set up. I can just trust. Sometimes God allows the clouds to cover up the sun so that, in faith, we might still believe the sun is there.

There's so much more I could say about God. So many more ways I could praise Him. If I were to write a book of all His praises, it would take longer than eternity! He's awesome. Awesome is a word invented by humans and doesn't even come close to describing God. He's...maybe in Heaven. :) Peace.

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