Friday, September 3, 2010

Typhoons and Kiddie Pools

A typhoon passed through Seoul on Thursday. Thursday was also my birthday. Much to my happiness, school was cancelled on Thursday because of the typhoon. I slept in quite late, which I greatly enjoyed since I had been staying up until all hours and waking up early for school. And then I realized that I had no internet because of the storm. Everyone seemed to be busy, so I just sat around not doing much of anything. I did get my apartment in tip top shape, though. Then finally at around 8, I went to a friend's house and brought my kiddie pool. Imagine me carrying this pool on my head for about 15 minutes through Asian people filled streets.

At her house I decided to make cookies. I mixed up the dough, put it on the pan, and was ready to bake them. My friend asked at what temperature the oven needed to be. I said 400, and she asked if that was a bit high for chocolate chip cookies. I looked at the recipe I had used and burst into laughter. I had made a muffin recipe thinking that they were chocolate chip cookies. I laughed for a good few minutes and decided to try and bake them as cookies. My friends, I give you mookies! They tasted like a mix between muffins and cookies and looked a bit like both.

On Friday I brought them to school, and my students loved them. We were supposed to have had a party on my birthday, but since school was cancelled, I moved the party to Friday. I brought party hats and balloons and a birthday banner and we threw a party. We played musical chairs and 3 on a couch. I also took the kids to the corner store to buy icecream. I made them wear their hats. I'm just a mean teacher is all. :) Nah, they looked just precious!

Now it's Saturday. I have a lot going through my mind. I slept in rather late, which was most enjoyable. Now I'll be eating lunch, working on some things, and heading to school to finish getting ready for next week. A teacher's job never ends, but I love it just the same. :)

Please continue to pray for 2 students I have who are unsaved. Please also pray for whatever ministry I might do in the future after I leave Korea. Peace.

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