Friday, September 17, 2010

All His

Friday was "Talk Like a Pirate Day." The kids were to dress up like pirates, sing pirate songs, watch pirate skits, participate in a treasure hunt, and play pirate games. Some kids had great costumes and looked like little cartoon pirates.

I had recess duty, and as I sat an watched the kids play, I dubbed the day "Un-Pirate Day." I then called it by a number of names.

Hobo Day
Pajama Day
Birdwatcher Day
Tourist Day
Poor College Student Day
Ninja Day
Motorcyclist Day
I'm Just Trying to Get Out of Wearing My Uniform Day
I Raided a Thrift Store Day
and Gramma's Closet Day

...among others.

All in all, it was a fun day. We got to act a little crazy in the afternoon after we studied hard in the morning. We have school on Monday and then we have 6 days off for a Korean holiday. I'm quite excited about that. I will be going to Taiwan for 5 days to visit Nathaniel and a missionary family.

Today I'm making cupcakes for the church potluck tomorrow that takes place on the 3rd Sunday of every month. Real American style cupcakes thanks to Betty Crocker, a little Korean oil and water, and the chickens that gave their lives to make this cake possible.

I have to say that this year is passing by quickly. I know that Chuseok holiday will fly by and after that it's almost the end of September. Before I know it the winter chill will set in and then fade away as swiftly as it came. Before too long it'll be a new year and then the end of a school year. And I know for a fact that I'll be able to look back and see how God has provided, met my needs, and blessed me. I'm looking forward to seeing what He'll do in the future.

Not a whole lot more by way of updates on my life. I still find great joy in bike riding, and I've found some pretty spots to which I ride. I frequently stop at the pet store near my house to see the infant chihuahuas and pray for the little runt who seems to have little life left in him. His siblings are growing, but he's not. I want to take him home, but I know that's not possible. Such is life.

I'm continuing to pray for my future in China. I want to be totally submitted to God's will and make His desires mine and not the other way around. Things have been changing a lot lately, and at first I resisted. God taught me much about trust and submission in the last couple weeks. It's exciting to see what happens when God has FULL control of my life and I don't try to do ANYTHING in my strength. I'm praying for encouragement, and I've received much lately. I'm praying for wisdom and guidance, and God's showed me some closed doors and others that seem to be opening wider. I'm praying for faith that when it doesn't make sense and I'm led farther away from what I desire, that God knows, is in control, and has a greater plan than mine. Please keep praying that I simply do God's will and let mine fall away. Peace.

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