Wednesday, July 28, 2010

The Same Sun as Here

Well, this will be my last post for at least 3 weeks. Ha! That's about how long I have between updates anyways. I'm off to my beloved China, and I couldn't be more excited! <----- Link for the place I'm going

I'm going to an orphanage in a city called Gongyi which is about 14ish hours north west of Shanghai by train. I'll be in Shanghai for 3.5 days seeing the World Expo and such, and then I'll take the train to the orphanage. I really have no idea what to expect. I've only been to one orphanage in my life that was a really nice one in Korea. What will this one be like?

I'm trying not to have any expectations because I find that when I go into something with none, I come out more amazed. I do have some expectations, however. I expect to have to rely a lot on God, which is what I really want to do. I expect to be pushed emotionally, physically, and mentally in some ways. I expect to be confused and sad at times, but turn right around into the arms of God.

I also have hopes. I hope that I can show God's love to these children. I hope that I can learn new things about God every day and turn right around and put those into practice. I hope that I can get some contacts and information about starting my own orphanage one day. I hope that I can increase my level of Chinese. I hope the kids love me back. I hope I can serve in many ways. I hope a lot more than that too.

So, pray requests for this trip (it would be a giant help.) Safety traveling, health, finding out new things about God, sticking close to Him, and growing in Him, a heart that loves these people even if I'm in a bad mood or angry or just don't want to love, a shield that is up and ready for battle with satan when he tries to attack me, a greater understanding of the Chinese language, that I will not forget to stay in the Word, and that I will have many ways to serve and even if they're not ideal that I will do them anyways and not be selfish.

I want God to be the focus of this trip. I want to serve Him while I'm there and not just let this be a vacation. I know I'm not going to be doing all these great things, but I want to be faithful in the little daily things and grow more like God.

I have no blog or Facebook in China because they are both blocked. I do have e-mail, but if you e-mail me, please be very careful what you say. Please don't talk about church or God or prayer outright because the government reads e-mails. Church could be a "meeting", God could be "our Dad" and prayer could be "a great conversation" or something along those lines.

Have fun while I'm gone, and if I die in a plane crash, I'll see you in Heaven! :) Peace!

P.S. Yes, Dad, I have my passport! :) Love you all!

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