Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Desire God like a man with his head on fire desires water.

It’s been a busy summer. Away with the excuses! :)

I just saw something interesting that I must share. A father ran into his baby who tottered and fell on his face and began to cry. The mother picked up the baby and tried to console him. The mother then took the baby over to his father, took the baby’s hand, and began hitting the father with it. Hmm...what’s wrong with this picture?

Anyways, Spain and Rome were amazing. I may or may not write more about those later. I never expected Spain to be so beautiful and amazing, but it was. Rome was stellar too, but be forewarned, it’s crawling with tourists and those catering to tourists. Apart from that, it was lovely. We had the chance to go to Naples and see the ruins of Pompeii. It reminded me of cities in the Bible that God destroyed with fire because they were so wicked. The things on the souvenirs that represented Pompeii were shocking to me. It’s no surprise that this massive city was wiped out without warning.

Being in Canada with the fam again was really nice. It was relaxing and good just to sit and talk with no pressing responsibilities. We shopped and rested and went out together. It was all too short. I'm so thankful that they let me come stay with them. When I thanked them for that they laughed because they know that I'll always consider their house home. :) Love you Pops and Marms!

The wedding in Michigan was beautiful! Allie’s vision for her wedding came true, and she was a stunning bride on top of all that. The reception was over the top amazing and everyone worked so hard and was so helpful in making their day special. The bridesmaid dresses were gorgeous and all the groomsmen looked handsome in their tuxes. Everything went off without a hitch (I use that phrase even though I don’t get it!) and it was just really awesome. The Pardingtons and Lingos allowed Sara and me to stay at their house while we were there. They sacrificed their time and space to accommodate us, and for that I’m very thankful. I’m excited to go back and see everyone in December for Sara June’s wedding.

Leaving was bittersweet. No one wants to leave their family and what they know, but I know that God wants me in Asia, and I’m perfectly content with that. As I sit in the airport writing this, I am very excited to go back. I have a great peace about living there, and I know that God will take care of hearts. I guess things can’t always be as they were, but when everything ends here on earth, it’ll just begin in Heaven and there it will last forever. It’s pretty amazing to think that in Heaven we will never again have to say goodbye. That’s a wonderful thought. I found an old poem that I wrote last year.

Death is precious life eternal

Free from sin and guilt and fear

Death is seeing Jesus' glory

Knowing He's forever near

Death is casting off our sorrow

And then taking up our crowns

Death is worshiping forever

As we lay our burdens down

Death is home, our place in Heaven

And a new name all our own

Death is seeing God exalted

Lifted high upon His throne

Death is saints who've gone before us

That we'll meet on streets of gold

Death is singing praise to Jesus

As His radiance we behold

Death is nothing save amazing

For we'll see our King of Grace

No, I have no fear of dying

When I've bravely run this race

As the sin on earth surrounds me

And I long for Heaven above

I will wait for that great moment

When death brings me home to love

I just heard a man say he’d been upgraded to first class. Good thing I never get jealous, huh? I was in the airport yesterday and when I went to check my bag, it was too heavy. I had room in my carry on and the man that was helping me asked me to take it down 5 pounds instead of 10 and he would let me through without paying the 90$ fee. I took out and weighed and took out and weighed and finally got it down. I got through security smoothly and found my gate. When I went to buy dinner, I realized that I didn’t have my wallet. I had my passport and one credit card that I had taken out and not put back in, but I had my driver’s license, other credit card, birth certificates, Korea debit card, and Korea identification card along with some spare change. I retraced my steps, all the while wondering what I would do if I couldn’t find it. I thanked God that I still had my passport and credit card. Then my dad’s sermon that he had preached the day before came to my mind. It was about casting our cares on Jesus and not trying to solve problems in our own strength and pride. I realized that I had no control over the situation, there was no sense in getting all hyped up, and the best thing to do was pray and trust God to work it out for my good and for His glory. And He did. I went back to the ticket counter and asked the man if he had seen a light pink wallet. He hadn’t. I looked under the bench on which I had been sitting, all the while trying not to get discouraged that I was running out of options. Just as I was about to leave, I looked to my left and saw a stack of bins. God brought the memory to my mind that I had chucked my stuff in that bin while trying to rearrange my things. I looked in there and there sat my poor little wallet. God tested me. I hope I passed the test! He’s good and he won’t give us more than we can handle. ALl things work together for good to those who love Him. One more reason for me to trust Him. GOd never promises that we won’t have trials in our lives, but He does promise that when they come, His grace will be enough.

“You can trust God too little, but you can’t trust Him too much.”

I have a shelter in my Lord whose voice can churn or calm the sea

He is my light when darkness falls my Lord’s a tower over me

I have no fear when faced with trials I know in Him I am secure
And when the mountain looms ahead with Christ its’ conquering is sure

I have a comfort in my God who lifts me up when I fall down
He gives a song to calm my heart and gives a smile to cure my frown
No man can move me from His love or pull me from His strong embrace
Upon the Rock I will be strong though every tempting foe I face

I have salvation through His name that gives me life forever more
Nothing can pluck me from His hand for I’ll reach Heaven’s glorious shore
And when I stand before His throne I’ll raise my hands with saints of old
We’ll sing His praise forever more before His throne on streets of gold

Well, I'll stop rambling now. Back to Korea for a little over a week and then onto Shanghai and then onto the orphanage north of Shanghai. I'm SO excited about that. Please pray that I might make some contacts or get my foot in the door in some way. God's will. I keep reminding myself that if He wants me to open this orphanage, then it will happen. So God's will. Well, time to...rest. Haha see you back in my beautiful Asia! Peace.

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