Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Recent writings

God's praises rise from tongues of angels
From saints of old who rest in heav'n
The streets of gold and crystal river
Gleam pure and bright around His throne

The Savior reigns for he is risen
All sin and death are banished there
And we with him will reign eternal
Among his chosen glory share

All tribes and tongues will bow before him
The righteous judge will welcome those
Who took his gift of sweet salvation
Who sharing in his glory chose

Unending days we'll have to praise him
And lift our voice with angel bands
He'll say well done my faithful servants
And welcome us with nail scared hands

I was a wanderer along a wide road
The dark surrounded and tears flowed free
Then Jesus found me deep in my sorrow
He took my hand and he lifted me

I am forgiven, my sins forgotten
And they are cast in the deepest sea
No longer captive to sin or dying
For Jesus chirst saved and lives in me

He showed his nail scars, I touched his peirced side
He told a story of love and grace
My eyes looked up to the cross of calv'ry
Where God my savior died in my place

My heart felt heavy from sins great burden
The chains of guilt weighed heavy on me
I called on Jesus to take my burden
He came and saved me now I am free

Humbly I bow down
At the feet of one
Who bore the cross for me
Of the God who could not look upon his son

Perfect love from one who had no sin
This love lavished on me
Through this gift of grace and mercy undeserved
I am made free

Humbly I bow down
At the throne of one
Who died so I might live
Of the King who fought until the prize was won

Gave his dying breath to pardon me
And I still cursed his name
Through his gift of grace and mercy undeserved
I know no blame

I will trust the Lord
Though through vallies he may lead
For the one I walk with
Gave his life for me

Though temptations come
I will ever look above
And through stormy pathways
I will trust his love

For he never fails
And he is my light
And he gives to me
Songs within the night
And I cannot fear
If he holds me still
And he tells me sweetly
I can trust his will

I will trust the Lord
Though none walk along with me
For I have a strong hope
And in him in free

Though the fire may come
He will always comfort me
As I trust his leading
His Great Grace I'll see

Because of love you made the blind see
In matchless power calmed the storm on the sea
And you healed the sick and made the lame rise
You are power, you are God, let our praises rise

Because of grace you set barabas free
In matchless love you took the cross for me
And you walked the road and let them nail you
You are freedom, you are good, let our worship rise

Shout his praise all the earth
Sing his glory
Let his name resound
He is mighty
Power and wisdom
mighty to save
Let our God be lifted
Let his name be praised

Because of love you made my heart see
In matchless grace gave precious life to me
And you broke the chains and gave me freedom
You are love, you are grace, let my praises rise

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