Wednesday, July 21, 2010

It's Safe to Say

I survived security even though I forgot to take my liquids out, I survived the plane ride next to the Asian who liked my space better than his, I survived the metro ride back because there were no old people and I sat in their spot, and I survived (barely) the walk home. I've already talked to three people that I know (two being Korean.) I've messed up my words, fallen asleep on the subway, taken a cold shower (which is better than aircon any day) and pooped out on the couch. That's the long way of saying that I'm safe in Koreatown. The bed looks rather inviting. It's strange but when I come back to a very familiar place, I often feel like I never left in a way. Even though my memories tell me otherwise.

I got off the plane and as I was walking I prayed for the chance to help someone in some way. I was tired and all I could picture was God giving me an answer to my prayer in the form of a very heavy suitcase, a very frail old lady, and a very long flight of stairs for which there was no elevator or escalator. That wasn't the case, but only moments after I prayed I heard "I like your skirt." I turned to see a girl about my age with bright blue shoes. "Thanks," I replied. "I like your shoes." That was the truth too. "Thanks. I had to pick wisely for comfort since I'll be teaching here for the next year. Are you teaching here too?" She asked. I noticed a tattoo on her foot that was probably supposed to say LOVE but looked more like LVOE. Anyways, "Yes. This is my second year. Is it your first?" She seemed new. "Yes. And I have no idea what to do so I'm just going to follow you." "Sure, no problem." And just like that I got my prayer granted in a way that I could handle at the moment. I led her through customs and showed her how to choose the right baggage claim and got her out the door. She found her bus and she was off. Voila. Prayer answered. Thanks Lord. Oh, and her name was Laura in case anyone cares.

Ok well I'm off to drink my massive bottle of water and rest my eyes a bit. Peace!

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