Saturday, November 20, 2010

Night Walk

Two in one day. This is just a story.

So, tonight my friend Jen comes to my house to stay the night. She was telling me about her day when I got the idea that we should go for a walk. So we bundled up and went out. I stopped to buy a drink, she stopped to take something out of her shoe, and we went a different direction than we had planned to go. I was going to take her up a big hill, but since we were talking, I figured that it would be difficult to walk up the steep hill and talk a lot at the same time. At one point I thought we should cross the street to go up the big hill, but I changed my mind at the last second.

So we're walking and talking and all of a sudden we hear a huge screech and pop and RIGHT next to us a white car swerves all over the road and eventually slams into a small parking garage with a metal cage covering it. We stopped traffic and had someone call 119 (our Korean is limited) and we ran over just as the guy, about 25, was staggering out of the broken driver side window. He had a huge gash above his eyebrow that was gushing blood and was obviously in shock and possibly semi-intoxicated. Jen grabbed him around the waist because he wanted to walk away, but she knew that was a bad idea. So while she asked him questions, the police were called and the ambulance as well. Jen told me that cars don't blow up like on TV.

Anyways, the police took care of him and they all left. Jen wanted to take some pictures of the crash scene, so we stayed for about 5 more minutes while she took pictures. We began walking again and were about 500 meters away from the next intersection when we see a taxi hit a white car at the intersection. We ran down to the intersection to see if everyone was alright. The white car turned out to be an undercover police officer. We used our detective skills and presumed that the taxi driver was at fault.

We finished our walk that was supposed to be half an hour and ended up to be an hour. Quite an eventful night walk.

I just have to say that I saw God's hand in it all. He obviously gave me the thought, "Let's go for a walk." At midnight...on a cold night. And Jen agreed to go. I stopped and she stopped along the way. He didn't allow us to cross the street or go up the hill which might have put us directly in the path of the car. Jen stayed to take pictures so we weren't at the intersection when the second crash happened. Why? To help the man in the first car. Maybe. All I know is that God has every one of my steps planned out. He's a good God.

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