Friday, November 26, 2010

My Oh My

Here I am in my warm house just minding my own business. The time: 10:30pm. The place: My house. The conditions: Calm. Unsuspecting situation, isn't it?

From out of nowhere, my green, round, dollar store brush attacked me. It wrapped itself with my hair and created a death grip on my long strawberry blonde locks.

Ok well maybe my brush didn't attack. Maybe I unknowingly wrapped my hair around my brush, tried to untwist it, and realized that it was a hopeless mess. I tried for about 30 unsuccessful minutes to untangle the situation.

After realizing it was a lost caused, I grabbed my phone and called my awesome friend, Lisa. Lisa would know what to do!! She promptly came over and found me sitting on my floor with a green, round, dollar store brush hanging from my long strawberry blonde locks. After laughing with me, she got to work. It didn't take long for her to spell it out to me: we're going to have to cut it. It's hopeless. So, I held my breath while she utilized the...*gasp*...scissors. It was over before I knew it. It really was over...

Now I sat, looking like a redneck with a mullet, with a brush full of hair. Awesome. I unmatted what I had left of my hair and decided that it wasn't THAT bad. I mean, a chunk of jagged hair that's about half as long as the rest smack dab on the side of my head isn't life changing or anything, really. I mean, really, it's not that bad. Just funny.

Yes, this time I laughed a lot at my mistake as well as shed a few confused tears and a few of frustration. It could be a lot the time when I was 5 and my sister used plastic Playschool scissors to cut my hair which resulted in a boy short cut later on. Yes, this was much better. I guess I'll just be wearing my hair curly until it grows back. Now I'm left with a green, round, dollar store brush covered in hair. Maybe I'll burn it...

In other floor is warm right now. That's one thing I'll miss about Korea is the heated floors. So nice in the morning. You can roll out of bed onto the floor and continue sleeping on its warmth. I'm thankful for heated floors.

Wednesday was a half day of school. We had an assembly in the morning with grades 1-6. Each class had prepared something. My class recited Psalm 95:1-6 and sang "Count Your Blessings." They did a great job! All the other classes did as well. One class did an adorable play about the pilgrims, one class led a sword drill using verses about thankfulness. Of course the kindergartners were just precious. After the assembly we had 5 different stations (game, food, songs, etc.) in 5 classrooms. Each one was led by one or two teachers. The kids were in groups and moved around to the different rooms. The 1st grade teacher and I led the the games. We played music chairs except instead of using chairs we taped turkey foot prints on the floor. We also played a game where you had to pass foods such as cranberries, nuts, and oranges with chopsticks and spoons. The final game was "Duck, Duck, Turkey." Go figure. :) The kids had a great time, but the best part was the end. Like, the end where we get to leave. At noon. To start our vacation.

Lisa and I went to Costco and then I promptly fell asleep for several hours. Because I accidently slept from 6pm-12am (I'm a night owl with an early morning catches up to me) I had to stay up until 5am. But it was alright because I'm on vacation. Yesterday I went to the City Hall area of town as well as the bustling popular shopping area, Myeongdong, and shopped. Three different groups of people asked me to do interviews. One had a large TV camera. It was an interesting day. I came back to a lovely turkey dinner and a fun time with the other teachers and Lisa's kitten.

Today was a relaxing day of shopping in Insadong, the long street that is filled with traditional shops, tea houses, and art galleries. And now I come I write this thinking of going to bed with my redneck hair. I think it's time. Peace.

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