Monday, November 30, 2009


So, life has been fun but seemingly uneventful. I mean, the event of the year! Seeing NATHANIEL! Yeah that's right...he's here in Korea, and I couldn't be happier. We've just been hanging out and talking and going to fun places in Korea. I learned that he really...I mean REALLY...likes doughy white pancakes and he will eat the batter too. I'm so thankful that God brought him here!

Other than that school has been going well! My kids are cute as ever. The Thanksgiving party for the kids went off well, and the one for the teachers was even better! We had all the American fixin's and a lot of laughing and smiles. It was really nice to have a bit of American stuck in my life. Although, I do consider home to be Korea right now.

I played kick ball with my kids today. I didn't know what to do so I just kept running around the bases and they told me that I was not supposed to run because our team wasn't up to kick. Hmm...very smart teacher. :) It was fun anyways.

Our class will be India for international day. I'm pretty excited about that. Korean's already like curry, so that should be easy and fun!

Christmas is coming fast...and we all know what that means! CHINA!!! 2 whole weeks in the country that I love the most!! I'm soooooo excited and blessed that God is giving us this opportunity to go even just for a short time. I'm so excited to see what we'll be doing there.

I went to Korean church on Sunday after my church was done. It was really interesting. They had us stand up, focused the camera on us, and sang to us. After that they presented us with a rose each. It was strangely wonderful. I was carrying my Korean friend's Korean baby and, of course, got many strange stares. Overall it was a wonderful experience.

Well, time to clean the classroom, put in book orders, write a quiz (or 2...or 3) and then go to someone's house for dinner! The madness never ends, but I wouldn't change a second of it.


***praying for grandma who is in the hospital***

Friday, November 20, 2009

저 는 영 어 선 생 님 이 에 요.

I think that's right...haha

Things are good. :) A little boy fell fast asleep on my lap at the orphanage, and then while walking home, it started to snow! I love snow! It's been pretty cold here lately...that meant me giving up my flip flops for the dreaded shoes. But, it's ok because it means snow will fall!

Tomorrow is the day! Nathaniel comes in tomorrow evening. I'm so excited! I'm sure there will be many things to write about while he's here and after he leaves, so I'll keep this one free of mindless chatter.

We went to the zoo today for our elementary field trip! May I just say that I love the elephants and rhinos and baby tigers. We saw a seal/dolphin show with a tiny monkey in a pink dress thrown in there for the cute factor. It was cold, but the kids had fun not sitting in a desk all day. We even had a gorrilla smoosh his mouth against the window and rub it around. We now can truly see where humans evolved from... :)

Well, I'll enjoy the snow and animals and coldness. More to come.


Saturday, November 14, 2009

Run, children, run!

So, I'll start with most recent news. I have a roomie now. On Tuesday afternoon I went to the office and was told that I was getting a roomie the next day. Merry Christmas! Thankfully, she's very nice and sweet so it's fine.

This evening I went to a place where they have a whole huge floor covered in bead shops!! A dream come true!!! I bought some beads...but I'm telling you...there were SO many!!! After that we went to an Uzbekistanian restaurant. We walked up this tiny staircase, opened the door, and almost walked out. It was litterally a hole in the wall with about 4 tables. At one of the tables there were 5 or so fast talking Uzi's. We were served by a girl who we later learned didn't even work there but was just a friend of the owner. Hmm...anyways, before our food came out (which, by the way, was AMAZING and soo tasty!) one of the men came over, set two shot glasses down on our table, and poured some vodka into them. He proceeded to tell us that he wanted us to drink. When we refused and told him we were Christians, he told us that he was muslim and was not allowed to drink either but did. We refused and refused and refused some more. So, he poured more into our glasses. Finally, his friends told him to leave us alone, and he did. He told us he was hurt inside. Well, needless to say, we never drank it.

I've decided that I love parent teacher conferences because the parents almost always bring a gift. :)

I decorated my classroom for Christmas!! :D I bought a 4 foot tall Christmas tree and a strand of 650 white lights which I put up around my blackboards and on the tree. I made a star for the tree and my kids cut snowflakes to hang from the ceiling and also made paper chains to hang on the walls. We need more lights, but it looks very festive!! :)

It's been a pretty slow week overall. Fun things are COMING in the form of NATHANIEL! Next Saturday. We're going to the zoo on Friday...hmm....

We've booked our hostels and plane tickets for China. Tomorrow we'll be going to get our visas and then all we have to do is wait until December 19th. Oh when that day comes! We're going to Shanghai and then to Xian for a couple days and then back to Shanghai for Christmas and New Years. Then back to Seoul on January 2nd.

I was able to go to my Korean friend's houes on Thursday. We ate and then read 3 chapters in Philippians together and talked about them. It was a really good time. God's been so good in helping me have enough strength to do everything I need to do and giving me wisdom in teaching and giving me awesome friends. He's so good!!

Other than that, not much is really going on. I'm baking a cake for the church pot luck tomorrow. Then I will sew buttons onto my winter coat. It's getting very cold here. I bought pink ear muffs which really help in keeping my ears warm. I've heard it gets much colder than this, but I am ready. I like the cold. I heard it gets so cold at times that you don't even want to go outside. Bring it on.

There's a song I really love:

Verse 1:
Before the cross I kneel and see
The measure of my sin
How You became a curse for me
Though You were innocent
The magnitude of Your great love
Was shown in full degree
When righteous blood, the crimson spill
Rained down from Calvary

Oh, the precious blood
That flowed from Mercy's side
Washed away my sin
When Christ my Savior died
Oh, the precious blood
Of Christ the crucified
It speaks for me before Your throne
Where I stand justified

Verse 2:
And who am I that I should know
This treasure of such worth
My Savior's pure atoning blood
Shed for the wrath I'd earned
For sin has stained my every deed
My every word and thought
What wondrous love that makes me one
Your priceless blood has bought

A crown of thorns, pierced hands and feet
A body bruised, and Mercy's plea

Ok well, time to be done rambling.


Sunday, November 1, 2009

Ha ha YAY! Pumpkin Puree!

I was on the metro last night and we had 14 stops before home so I was standing up working on my Korean homework. This younger Korean guy was standing very close to me since the metro was pretty full, and he kept glancing down at my paper. They're always curious. Anyways, I turned the paper over and wrote "I am American" in Korean. Then, to see if he was really watching, I crossed out American and wrote Korean. He was watching and he chuckled. So I crossed that out and wrote Canadian. Then I wrote "what is your name" and he told me and asked mine so I told him. I said nice to meet you, and he wrote something long that I only got bits of. Then he translated it and I wrote that his English was good and he said no and I said yes!! And then he said something else and I said cool and then he wrote that he had to get off because it was his stop and I said bye. No words at all, just writing. It was interesting.

My English is failing me! I just said "it looks very pretty color." Oh dear...I'm doomed!!

Last night we went to this market (very large) and it was gushing rain. It's so interesting to look around at all of the things that they have much stuff. Some cheap, some expensive. Very cheap jade and expensive clothes all mushed together with isles through which you can barely walk. I learned the Korean word for "cross" which I...amazingly enough...still remember.

The field trip went well. A few downs, bust mostly ups. Right when we got off the subway when we got there, one of my kids said that he had left his cell phone on the train. Of course, there was no consoling him, and so we went to the metro police where one of my kids translated so we could find a number to call lost and found. As it turns out later, he found it. Then we went out of the metro and really had no idea where to go from there. We asked around and finally found a bus that we hoped would take us to the museum. It did. We had a blast! We ate lunch in this basement room that had a bunch of tables and a big open floor space. There was literally no one else at the museum that day except the workers, and so we had the whole room to ourselves. After lunch (and thanks to the grumpy kids) we turned off the lights and made them take a nap. Of course, the teachers didn't mind a little shut eye. This all went well until a man came down and ordered us to turn the lights on and open then doors because this is a public room for everyone to use (because all the people were banging on the doors wanting in...) It was great fun!

Well, time to eat some dinner. Peace.