Friday, September 23, 2011

A Portrait of My God: Loving

I love the hymn "The Love of God" and especially the lines "could we with ink the oceans fill, and were the skies of parchment made. Were every stalk on earth a quill, and every man a scribe by trade. To write the love of God above would drain the oceans dry. Nor could a scroll contain the whole though stretched from sky to sky." And it's so true. There is no way to really explain the love of God.

Some things that amaze me about God's love is that He still sees me, hears my prayers, and is with me. And that He died for me. That He chooses to consider me a treasure even after all that I've done. All that He is and does shows His love for His children.

You spoke and there was light
Sunshines and oceans and rain
Your voice has calmed the seas
Healed the blind, made the lame rise

Who am I that I should hear
You speak to me gentle and kind
Calling me yours, saying I'm free
Your Word shows me your love

You saw the broken and weak
Calling and begging to you
You reached out with your hands
Gave hope and strength and saved their souls

Who am I that you should see
All I have done and still love me
Calling me yours, saying I'm free
Your Word shows me your love

You walked among the lost
Finding the sinners and poor
Making them new and loved
Gave of your wealth, you gave of your life

Who am I that you should die
For one who cursed your precious name
Calling me yours, saying I'm free
The nails show me your love

Your life shows me your love

Monday, September 19, 2011

A Portrait of My God: Forgiving

So, I decided to write a collection of poems/songs that paint a portrait of God and His attributes.
The first one is that He is forgiving.

1 John 1:9 "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."

Ephesians 1:7 "In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of His grace."

Colossians 2:6 "Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him."

From my knees I look up
Into your face, my King of Grace
Humbled and broken by my sin
I long for joy within

All my life I have searched
For truth and peace, Lord to be free
Now as I'm kneeling at your feet
I ask you to make me clean

I hear you say, "Lift up you face.
You are forgiven my child"
The blood you shed upon the cross
Covers this sinner so vile
Here at your throne, standing alone
I find your mercy is free
I shout your name and gratefully say
You pardoned me

I am new, praise your name
Nor more in chains, no more to blame
For you have taken all my guilt
And made it all your own

I'm a light to the lost
Shining brightly in the darkness
Telling sinners of your great love
And how they can find rest

I hear you say,"Walk in my way
Faithfully serving your Lord.
For you I died upon the cross
Now in my love you're adorned."
Here at your throne, standing alone
I give my life to my King
I should your name and gratefully say
You pardoned me

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


It's been almost 2 months since I moved to New York, and I have to say that I love it. I love everything about my job. I love that I get to play with precious kids (who, yes, are still kids and sometimes naughty) and be a kid myself again. I love cleaning this big old house and making it neat and tidy. I love the diversity of the city. There are so many different languages that can be heard as you walk down the crowded streets, there are as many skin colors and clothing styles as you can think of, there is beautiful architecture, and there is an endless supply of things to do. You could live here all of your life and never even scratch the surface when it comes to activities, restaurants, shops, etc. And that makes life here never dull.

I was able to fly to South Carolina for the Labor Day weekend to see Sara June and Nathaniel and some other friends. Here's the story:

I decided that it had been too long since I had seen SJ+N, so I bought a plane ticket to Greenville and rented a car. I left my house at 11pm on Friday night and arrived at Newark Airport at about 1am. The airport was pretty much empty, so snuggled under my ever present pink blanket (that has been around the world with me) and attempted to get a good night sleep. It didn't work so well. A combination of the hard ground, announcements every 10 minutes, bright lights, and an air conditioning vent that was directly above me and pumped out cold air all night, made for a restless sleep. I probably got about 4 hours of broken sleep. The flight was short, and I promptly passed out after I got to my seat. I woke up when we touched down. I had butterflies in my stomach as time dragged slowly while I waited in line to get off of the plane and pick up my rental car. I drove to Sara June's salon and arrived about about noon. She was extremely busy, so one of the girls asked SJ to come downstairs when she had a minute. Poor unsuspecting SJ came down to see why she was needed, and I popped up from behind the counter and said "Surprise!" The look on her face was priceless as she asked "What are you doing here?" Then, she burst into tears and hugged me for a long time. Let's just say the surprise worked and it was stellar. :D

After she got off work, we picked up pizza for dinner and went back to her apartment. Her husband opened the door, and when I walked in he said "Oh, hey, Anna." As if nothing was new. We had a good laugh. During the trip I was able to see some of my former professors and friends from college. It sure was strange going back on campus. SJ, N, and I had a great time hanging out, visiting their awesome church, going to Yogurt Mountain, shopping, and playing board games (I lost...every time.) It was a relaxing, exciting, awesome trip, and I had to leave waaaay too soon. At least I'll get to see them at Christmas!!

Now I'm back in NY after an uneventful early morning flight on which I slept the entire time. It's a dreary, rainy day that screams fall, but I'm thankful for a warm, dry house. I'm glad to be back with family2, but I sure do miss family1.

God has blessed me soooo much with a great job, an awesome family2, and beautiful, exciting city, and His love.

I was walking back in the rain feeling a bit waterlogged, and I thought about how I don't care for the rain unless I can be indoors. Then I wrote this poem as I walked.

This is the day
That my Father created
The sunshine and rain
The love and the tears

This is a day
Where God walks beside me
Through victories and heartaches
Through peace and through fears

I will adore Him
Lift up my praises
For He has blessed me
With every breath
I'll rest in His comfort
And joy in his care
And know with this day
I've been blessed

This is the day
That my Lord has created
So I may serve Him
And tell all the lost

Of His great grace
And life everlasting
And how they can know Him
And love Him today

I will adore Him
Lift up my praises
For He has blessed me
With every breath
I'll rest in His comfort
And joy in his care
And know with this day
I've been blessed